
Christmas ideas from MyWardrobe

Is mum, dad, boyfriend or hubby finding it difficult to know what to get you this Christmas, especially if you are wanting them to stick to a budget but still want that Designer touch? Check out these lovelies available at MyWardrobe.com which are all under £75 and I'm sure would be a welcome addition under your Christmas tree!!

See By Chloe keyring, £35

Nicole Farhi Beanie, £50

See By Chloe keyring, £48

Sonia Rykiel gloves, £65

Sonia Rykiel beret, £34

I really love the Sonia Rykiel gloves and Nicole Farhi beanie-whats on your Christmas list?


Leah said...

Thanks for sharing the link... now it's time to create my own list. Hugs!

Wildernesschic said...

I have that Farhi beanie in taupe it is gorgeous !! have lived in it already . Great List! !

Cerisa said...

I love the Rykiel beanie, but then I have a real thing for purple at the moment

Anonymous said...

I've just found your blog. It is a true gem in the cyber world. I leave a small Swedish footprints behind me. I will be back!

Greetings from Sweden & Agneta

www.janetteria.com said...

Great ideas! I have got a similar See by Chloe keyring...but my piece is multicolor. :-)


Caroline said...

Funnily enough, my husband was only asking earlier today if there's anything I want for Christmas. Now I can point him in the direction of those gorgeous gloves - I love 'em! Thanks Sharon!

Make Do Style said...

They do have great stuff!
I love the Sonia Rykeil gloves

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Don't you just love See by Chloe, it's my favourite diffusion line. Fantastic post.

ellie said...

I so love the tams. I'm working on one now. I hope it turns out OK.

Style At Every Age said...

I would be happy with any of these items!

tdw said...

News on daily-women, 2 new posts by O&M :
An interview to a young girl who loves Chineese & Japan style, and a photo shoot by Olivia in Leopard dress :)

come on and see us !
have a nice day :) x.o.x.o


Marian said...

ohhh what yummy items!like the stripes!
happy sunday xx

Anika said...

these are all fab gift ideas, and has spurred on my need to buy gifts pronto. I'm usually the person christmas shopping months in advance but this time I'm still lounging. Whoops.

Onto it. Good luck with your chrissie shopping.

Have a fab week darl :)

Seeker said...

Great ideas, a bit expensive there, but maybe I can get similar ones else where ;-)
Thanks for sharing, have a nice week


jess said...

The gloves are so cute.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for your kind comments!!

J. said...

Oh, I did a similar post, only about Outnet. I love the keychain!

Sharon said...

Hi J-yes, I love your post too!

budget chic said...

I like the berets and the keychain. Affordable and a gift that easy on the wallet! ;-)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Those gloves are ridiculously fun!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks a lot!!


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