
Christopher Kane-LBDs for Christmas

Over at Topshop, I saw these gorgeous Little Black Dresses by Christopher Kane. Not only is he an innovative, up and coming British designer, these dresses are just perfect for Christmas and a real investment buy too-check out the range now!!

Lace dress, £50

Mirror strappy dress, £60


Leah said...

Love the Christopher Kane for Topshop collections and these LBDs are fabulous.

ellie said...

such pretty party dresses!

WendyB said...

Nice! I would love to interview him. ...

Anonymous said...

Wow, they are lovely dresses, I especially like the 1st one. x

Unknown said...

love the dress! :D the first one is lovely!

Travel and Living
Job Hunter

lunarossa said...

Fantastic! Good prices as well. Do you think they will be discounted in the sales? Have a lovely Christmas. I'm off to Italy tomorrow, snow permitting, of course. All the best. A.

Mom Fashion World said...

i always love christopher kane for topshop
but never get a chance to own any pieces from the collection.

p.s can we exchange links? we've been exchanging comments but forgot to ask you on exchanging links. lol!

www.janetteria.com said...

I love the first one!


Mom Fashion World said...

thanks my dear. i added yours too.

Becky Tjandera said...

I love Christopher Kane for Topshop ! <3

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

They are lovely dresses and timeless classics.

Noémie K said...

I love him*love him*love him*°*°*°*

Winnie said...

Love them too and tried the one shouldered one when the collection first came out. So lovely on! Though unfortunately my funds don't stretch very far this side of Xmas!

Becky Tjandera said...

Thank you so much for your comment dear ! See you soon !

www.janetteria.com said...

Hey Sharon,

Please don't forget to enter the brooches giveaways!


marian said...

these are gorge sweetie, that first one is delightful

Angela said...

S, the first dress is to die for. i love it. you are right, it is perfect for holiday parties.... : ) xo

Seeker said...

Indeed, lovely dresses!!

Happy Holidays, my dear


Make Do Style said...

Cute numbers xx

Anonymous said...

I love the 2nd one- the little dip in the top is the perfect amount of sexy! xo, Mel

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all your kind and lovely comments!!

Studded Rose said...

So gorgeous i love them both! Just brought a lace dress from ebay UK and im in Australia...would have lurrrved this one though! xo

Siljesfashion said...

Nice! But i actually tried on the first one (great cut) but it as see through!!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-yes, it does look it too!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Both of these dresses are beautiful, but I think I love the first one the most.

Thanks so much for dropping by my blog. May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year.


Sharon said...

Thanks Cheryl Lynn and you have a great one too!


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