
Knitted and Layered for winter, plus the values of thrifting

Whilst browsing the charity shops last month, I decided I wanted a chunky knit, in the way of a cardi, jumper or poncho or cape-these are much in trend this season and a great stylish cover up, advocated by the Telegraph-check out their article

So, I was really pleased to pick up this hand knitted, fitted style poncho, for a bargainous £2.50 in the Cancer Research charity shop. I loved it as soon as I saw it especially for the chunkiness and the hand made bobbles and fringing, plus it is super cosy over my Uniqlo heatech polo neck jersey.

I would say that ponchos or capes were not really number one choice on my radar, but when you are thrifting, you can really try different styles out, even if they turn out to be a one season wonder-just donate it over to the charity shops if it proves not to be a keeper.

I will even wear this with a chunky brown leather belt too-I think this would work well over a body con style dress.


nurmisur said...

Love the poncho. You look very good in it.

WendyB said...

Really nice! Goes to show that you can't always predict what will look great. You have to try things on.

Gerri Ward said...

OMG! This is solely GORGEOUS! I luv ponchos and handknitted ones at that! Wow, I just don't know how you find such beautiful finds!:))

Jules said...

Wow! You look so nice on it. =D

A Writers Den
Brown Mestizo

Leah said...

I love ponchos...and yours is fabulous.

www.janetteria.com said...

I adore ponchos and Urs too. :-)

Don't forget to ENTER the Hoolala Lucky Bag giveaway! GOOD LUCK! ♥

Rebecca said...

I like it! And I agree - belting it might be interesting...

Wildernesschic said...

Love the colour! I would love that myself so handy to just throw on and go.. As always a great find x

ellie said...

I want one..so BAD! I do have a crochet one that my Mom got me a couple of years ago at a craft show. It would be no help today. Blowing snow at the moment. Our second day in a row of snow days.

Mónica said...

love the poncho!! that colour looks great on you!!! I've searching a poncho for ages, never find one that I really like :(

I have a little survey on my blog for my research project, if you have two minutes would you mind to fill it? thanks a lot!

Make Do Style said...

Love it - it looks great! you can't beat a poncho to make you feel cosy xx

Anonymous said...

What a find!

Meg said...

Oh my gosh, you always find such great deals!

Smashingbird said...

great find, looks dead cosy too!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all your fab comments, I feel really pleased that you like the poncho!!

one of 365 said...

You look brilliant..sigh...as always! It looks handmade! And for less than 3 squid! I bought a poncho from Banana Republic for $150 dollars last year---Sharon, you always make me feel like I could have a lot more dosh in the bank if I hung out with you more. Anyway, the color looks lovely with your skin tone and I like that it is slightly fitted so it doesn't overwhelm you and make you look homeless! Tres fab!

xoxoxo--One of 365

Cadmium said...

gorgeous. it looks stylish and cozy - can't beat that combo!

lunarossa said...

I do not usually like ponchos or capes, but this one really looks stylish. And the colour works fab for you. Well spotted, once more. Ciao. A.

Haute World said...

Great find! I agree... even if you do buy it and end up donating it again a year later, your money will have gone to a charity and not a big corporation. I love the bobbles and fringing on this as well. Knits are definitely the most cosy thing you can go for during the winter months (although it's probably not cold over there either is it? Europe has been surprisingly mild this season...).

Marian said...

your poncho looks so cosy! darling just to let you know have a new site now

Unknown said...

I love it! I'm a sucker for these kinds of knits, though it's really hard for me to carry them off since I'm top-heavy. But the poncho looks really great on you! I hope you try it with a dress or skirt and post pics. I think that will look fab too.

I always wonder whether to wear these kinds of pieces in a boho-hippie way or a sleeker and simpler way like you do. I really like your way of wearing it, as the boho look with a poncho like this might be too predictable.

ellie said...

I hope you aren't having to wear too many layers this week. Really, having to bundle up here where we are. We got like a foot of snow and its sooooo cold!

Sharon said...

Such lovely comments, thanks so much to you all!

Siljesfashion said...

Very cool look Sharon! Hope you have a great weekend!

Lon and Ellie said...

Thanks so much for the note. Well..I'm hoping to continue their first person account. We'll see how that goes.

Leah said...

Hi! Great to know that you work in the arts industry too. That's why I admire the variety of outfits you wear. You are never boring. Have a great weekend!

Leah said...

Ooooppps... did I get that right? I was assuming you work in the field of arts too?

Kavita @ She Wears Fashion - UK style and fashion blog said...

You pull off the poncho so well, when I wear them, they make my shoulders look manly! I'm jealous! <3

Winnie said...

You're so right about charity shops being a great place for experimentation. If it doesn't work, donate it again, at least you've done your bit for charity!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-your lovely comments are so much appreciated, thanks so much!

Bonnie said...

I am loving this poncho and you are rocking it!


Anny said...

You look so warm and cute!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much!!

budget chic said...

Girl you won't believe it but I have a same poncho but in black. Same knit pattern and everything! You look cute and warm! ;-)

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Hey, Hon! Hope you're doing well. I LIKE that poncho! It's a beautiful color and I'm really becoming enamored with knitting and crocheting. You look fabulous as per usual. Hope you're having a great week, so far.


Sharon said...

Hi ladies-so lovely of you both thanks for the kind comments, budget chic, I'd like to see your poncho too!


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