
Marc Jacobs thrift find!!

On a visit into town earlier this week I had a couple of errands to do which took quicker than I had anticipated, so with time on my hands, I obviously had a browse in my local charity shops. Well, in the last shop on the way out, I spotted this mass of print on the rail, pulled it out and spied it was a Marc Jacobs skirt in my size!!

It had to be snapped up for a bargainous £8.99-from the Heart Foundation charity shop. I'm not sure what year its from, but it certainly suits the vibrant print and ethnic trend for this summer, so I'll be wearing it often!!

My best bargain of the year to date!!


WendyB said...

Are those drawstrings? Laces? Cool...

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I love it. Very Native American, and love how you paired it with denim. Definitely a piece you will wear a lot.

paanie said...

hey sharon, you outfitted the skirt perfectly!

Wildernesschic said...

Love the colours on you, great find x

The Small Fabric Of My Life said...

What a fantastic skirt. I love the print and the way it works so well with the denim jacket and brown boots. I think BHF have the best charity shops.

o said...

omgosh, what a great find! it's a beautiful skirt and i agree, definitely just in time for the spring trend of tribal prints:)


Style At Every Age said...

Wow, what a find! Love that skirt!

Annie Spandex said...

Awesome! It's so cool--what a lucky find :)

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the lovely comments, the skirt indeed does have lace drawstrings-one around the waist and one each on the pockets!!

Pearl Westwood said...

Gorg find, and you can wear it all seasons so even more of a bargain!

Cadmium said...

brilliant find, love the colors! very nice with the boots. have a lovely weekend too!

Rebecca said...

OH, Sharon! I agree! An extremely great bargain! You have framed it beautifully with that jacket and boots. You've set me off an a "skirt safari"! Sure hope I stumble on something even close to yours.

Vix said...

What a find, Sharon! Regardless of the posh label it's something I would have instantly grabbed, the style and wonderful ethnic print are exquistite.
Just goes to show that there are plenty of fabulous finds in charity shops if you've got a good enough eye.
Great outfit!

Style with Benefits said...

Wow, you are again the queen of thrifting! I love the skirt with those boots!

xo, becs

Audrey Allure said...

Pretty skirt, it's such a lovely print. And what a great price!

Smashingbird said...

Fab find, it looks great!

Belle de Ville said...

What a great vintage find. That skirt is going to look great with ballet flats this summer.

zsooofi said...

Gorgeous find! I live the colours of this skirt, you can wear them with almost everything and always (spring, summer....fall). I'm going to thrift colorful, light skirts like yours.

ellie said...

Great find! Love the color. All the best on a splendid weekend!

Unknown said...

OMG you are sooooo lucky!!! I LOVE Marc Jacobs patterned skirts! They are so vibrant and gorgeous, and I just dream of the day I can afford one lol! I love your find -- such beautiful colors. :)

marian said...

that is the coolest piece!! what a super find Sharon! wonderful

Angela said...

Tres savvy! Have a fab weekend S. xo

blabla said...

Great skirt - great find!!

C said...

How lucky of you to get a Marc Jacobs. I guess charity shops are great since they are cheap. I once got a whole wool blanket for just AUD5!

Yulia Rahmawati said...

good job

Tonia Lee Smith said...

Marc Jacobs...I love it!

Etrapar said...

haha..you look so pretty, have a greeat Sunday!

www.janetteria.com said...

Lucky U! Great find! Definitelly, Sharon! U look so amazing as always!

yiqin; said...

The print of the skirt is way too rad.

Anika said...

Oh hell yes, what a score! A find I'd certainly be proud off too.

Love the drawstrings too...so very cool, and hey...who cares what year its from. As long as you're rocking it right ;)

have a great one bella

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-I am so pleased with all your lovely comments, thanks so very much to you all!

A Gluten Freestyle said...

Amazing find. It's such a gorgeous skirt.

Haute World said...

Very cool print... I love the colors! And those strings/laces attached to it add a funky touch. Great find as always!

Make Do Style said...

You did very well! Great skirt and great designer xx

Bonnie said...

O-M-G Sharon, you are rocking this look. I love it! Also, congratulations on yet another award, well deserved I would add. I enjoy visiting with you.

Have a great week, Bonnie

Jennie said...

I'm in love with that print. What a great score :)

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-all so kind of you, thanks so much!!

Caroline said...

Fab find, Sharon, love that print x

SabinePsynopsis said...

What an amazing find! The Heart Foundation charity shops in my area seem to give the better clothes to up-market vintage shops. The combination with the sleeveless denim jacket is perfect.

marian said...

happy monday Sharon

Clara Campelo said...

lovely look
your blog is great!!

Unknown said...

that skirt is awesome xxox

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-so kind of you all, thanks!!

j3nhow said...

thats really a good deal!!! cant believe u got that from a charity shop at that price!!! i shud def visit that charity shop when im back in uk!
nice blog!

xoxo jenna

La Mimi said...

Hi Sharon!
wow! You've done it again! :)
you know, I've just had an idea and I thought I'd share it with you. How about you write a quick little book on thrift shopping in London- tips, places to go, etc. And then sell it here on your blog. I think it will be a big hit! What do you think? :)


Sharon said...

Hi LaMimi-so kind of you, thanks for your lovely comment, its a good idea but I will most probably use my blog for giving out tips and inspiration on thrifting, I feel more comfortable expressing myself this way!!

Winnie said...

Oh my goodness, you did it AGAIN Sharon? You are amazing and super lucky!

MĂ³nica said...

I LOVE it! you definitely have to pass me the list of your local charity shops! haha, I need to go there! I never find anything in mines:(!


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