
Shopping my wardrobe-Tribal Prints

Another gorgeous trend this coming season is tribal prints and designers such as Marc Jacobs and Dries Van Noten have featured them on the catwalk for summer:

Tribal print dress, Dries Van Noten at Style.com

I thought I'd shop my wardrobe for this trend and this summer I'll be wearing again my New Look wrap dress with a tribal print:

I'll also be wearing my Ikat print tunic by French Connection which I also purchased last year:

Will you be in tribal prints this summer?


WendyB said...

I think you're setting the trends these days! You're way ahead...

Leah said...

I love your fashion inspirations and how you interpret them. xoxo

Colleen said...

Very nice...I love the ethnic vibe and tribal prints. Your outfits are just beautiful...it's inspiring to see how you put the outfits together.

Wildernesschic said...

I always love tribal prints above all others in summer. You look fabulous in that dress xx

Make Do Style said...

I won't be wearing them not unless I come and wear your wardrobe!!
Great thrifting as ever xx

Couture said...

Your two outfits are really beautiful!


Rebecca said...

I think the dress is a great example of tribal prints! And what a good fit on you. The colors in the tunic are beautiful, too, Sharon! I recently thrifted a long piece of tribal cloth. When I spent time in Burkina Faso years ago, I purchased several.of them. They are worn wrapped around the waist as a skirt. (I can't remember the name of the garment/style.) If I can find a top to wear with my recently purchased one, I'll wear it soon.

ellie said...

How cool. Love them both.

marian said...

i am loving the ethnic feel to this honey
Happy friday honey,wishing you and yours a gorgeous weekend

Vix said...

I love tribal prints and that French Connection tunic is absolutely stunning on you, what a bargain!
I can't believe that wrap dress is New Look, it look pure class on your elegant figure.
As always I prefer your interpretation of fashion to the catwalk version, you are one inspiring lady.

lunarossa said...

Cannot believe this, Sharon, 50p? Looks fab. I will only do tribal if I can find a dress like at that price!!!! Ciao. A.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Super stylish. I especially love the Ikat print tunic. With gorgeous legs like yours you could also wear it as a mini dress, I think.

Cadmium said...

i love both your purchases! i also found similar top in a second hand store. spring, hurry up so we can wear our prints outdoors!

Smashingbird said...

The wrap dress looks fantastic on you!

Style At Every Age said...

Love the FC top!

HMcK said...

I wish I was better at thrifting. I know so many people who pick up AMAZING stuff for next to nothing but I'm never very good at going into charity shops or hitting up markets. I really should start...

Gorgeous Glam said...

ooh I love that tunic! So chic! Have a blessed weekend doll ;) xoxo

jess said...

The print on your tunic is really cool.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks to you all for your kind and lovely comments!!

Reena Rai said...

How gorgeous! I love prints for summer and will definitely be investin

www.janetteria.com said...

Amazing inspiration, Sharon. Love the last top!

paanie said...

yes ma'am! i usually don't like prints, but i would like to find a good tribal print myself.

teawithonesugarplease said...

Gosh you do so well in your thrifting - do you bargain down the prices at car boots?

Haute World said...

Lovely items as usual! I adore that last tunic... such a perfect blast of color for summer!

The F Word Online said...

girl you look amazing in tribal print ! i dont know if i have the guts to try it out, but i love it on you !

xx lue

Winnie said...

Oooh you look lovely Sharon! I love prints and I may...or may not have to purchase a bit of tribal print myself this summer!

Bonnie said...

Hi Sharon, I love that first look re tribal prints. I'm not sure if I'll be in tribal prints this summer but I'm sure I'll be wearing something - hehe!


PS - you're a knockout in tribal prints

Berlin said...

Thanks. Stop by tomorrow for a new post.I am following you, will you follow me too?


Unknown said...

ohh I want the first one :)


Thrifts! Thrifts! Thrifts!

Have a lovely Sunday!


Berlin said...

Thanks, though I don't see you in my followers list..


Unknown said...

your outfits are really awesome

Anonymous said...

beautful dress

Style At Every Age said...

Sharon, Am I right in thinking it was you who once went to Paris for a day? I have looked through your tags and can't see anything for Paris, I am probably completely wrong but if it was you can you email me the link to the post. xx

Wrecked Stellar said...

I love both of your looks - they're chic and fun! I love bold tribal prints so I will definitely be in them this summer :) xo, mel

marian said...

Happy Sunday honey

Cafe Fashionista said...

Oh, I love hte last look on you - so perfect! I am definitely going to try to be in tribal prints this summer - I've seen a few stunning ones as of late!! :)

Pearl Westwood said...

Hi, I just stumpled upon your blog and I am super impressed with your bargain hunting abilities!!

TheOnlineStylist said...

Ooh I love the French connection tunic... gorgeous colours! And once again... the bargain of the century! I do have a tunic dress from Monsoon that I bought last summer that's kind of tribal so I'll wear it in your honour! x

Unknown said...

I LOVE tribal prints!! If I can find any clothes like this around here I'll definitely be wearing them. I adore your FC tunic! Gorgeous print.

Years ago a university friend brought me back a gorgeous tunic from Africa with a vibrant tribal print. I wore that *so* much it wore out. I wish I could get another one.

Yulia Rahmawati said...

I've already had some tribal at my closet,,,
maybe someday
i'll share it at my blog,,,

I love the color at ur second tribal

yulia rahmawati

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all your lovely comments, they are very much appreciated and I hope you all have a good week ahead too!

budget chic said...

Hey sharon, I love that tribal print top and the wrap dress is a winner!

Sharon said...

Thanks budget chic!!

Indonesian Gurl said...

The tribal prints called "BATIK", it is Indonesian heritage and so proud Dries Van Noten brought it to the runway.


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