
Great timing at the boot sale!!

When something is 'out of fashion' or considered outdated because of newer technology, its a great idea to snap up such pieces.

We drove past a boot sale on at Holloway, North London in February and despite it being freezing, I just had to have a wander around.

I was especially pleased to spy this vintage watch by Timex, which must be from the 70s, judging by its design.

I picked it up and decided to wind it up and to my surprise it started ticking!! I said to the lady that it worked and she said I could have it for £1!!! Well if I can pick up wind up watches for this cheap, then I'll certainly be collecting a few this summer at the boot sales.

It fits the bill for my hankering of a vintage watch and to be honest, I've two battery operated watches in my jewellery box unworn as the batteries have run out and I had not been bothered to get new ones. As long as I keep this one wound up, it does the job for me!!


Leah said...

That's such a great find... I lvoe vintage watches too. xoxo

WendyB said...

What a great shape.

SabinePsynopsis said...

I'm a big fan of mechanical watches, too. Perhaps you want to start a little vintage watch e-shop if you keep finding quality watches at this price :-)

Make Do Style said...

It is superb! What a style setter you are.

Couture said...

I really like the strap! It looks very chic!

www.janetteria.com said...

Amazing find - again!

Unknown said...

What a great find for a £1!! you can't get anything for a quid these days.
Love the shape of the face.

X x

A Shopaholic is loose said...

Wau, that is such a wonderful watch!!! If you ever consider selling it...because it´s outdated ect... ;-) ;-) ;-) Please contact me!

Pearl Westwood said...

Great find, I love the shape!

marian said...

great find sweetie.
`i love bootsales, i have not been to one in a while.
big kiss

Anonymous said...

great time piece! very vintage, i want a gold strap with black face. i will be on the lookout this sunday at my local carboot

Haute World said...

It's so funny you posted this, because my watch just ran out of battery this morning! And I was annoyed, still wishing I knew where a vintage watch of mine was (which can just be wound up).

Love your find! Such a cool and classic piece :)

Margaret said...

oooh how gorgeous! i've been hunting for a good vintage watch - i want!
love your blog!
great posts
stop by some time xx

ellie said...

very classic!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Fantastic find. I love old watches.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all your lovely comments, as always, much appreciated!!

Unknown said...

That is just the coolest watch ever! I wish they still made styles like this. Great find!

lunarossa said...

Really fantastic and for £1!!! I'm a sucker for watches, but my ever best deal was a new and authentic Chronotec bought on ebay for £10 + £4 postage! All the best. A.

prince said...

awesome watch

Other blog's Prince ronel and iamronel

Style with Benefits said...

Hi Sharon! Great find. How do you manage to find such fab stuff? When I go to flea markets, I love to sift through piles of vintage watches!

xo, becs

Pratishtha Durga said...

Functional AND vintage! What a double delight. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

love this watch xxxxx

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for stopping by with these lovely comments!!

Anika said...

Ooh, nice find. I love vintage watches too. Unfortunately, I never have much luck with them (the machinery runs down, the watch stops, etc) and so have stopped buying them. The vintage one I bought for Stuart? Perfect, its never stuttered. Dammit :P

Winnie said...

It's a great little watch and classic too! I love that it's self winding, what a lovely find.

Style At Every Age said...

I used to have one just like this, wish I had kept it!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much!!


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