
My Designer and High Street Collaboration pieces

The lovely Christina at Fashion's Most Wanted did a post on the new H&M and Lanvin collaberation, which she followed on with her own gorgeous finds from the H&M and Stella McCartney and Jimmy Choo collaborations.

This inspired me to do a slide show of my High Street and Designer collaboration pieces, all of which I bought from either ebay, charity shops or the boot sale over the past years:

For anyone who loves designers but not the price tags, this is a great way of accessing their pieces at reasonable prices.


Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

lDear Sharon, everything looks so good on you. You've got some great things there. I love the Ossie Clark for Radley, Celia Birtwell dress and cream blouse, the Zandra top is good and the Kate Moss jacket. I love seeing your bargains xx

Helga said...

Cool slideshow!!There's some lovely garments in that lots!! Loving the frock with the teeth!!Tee hee!

Wildernesschic said...

You have some lovely pieces Sharon.. I love the Celia Birtwell blouse especially .. I love that photo of Kate Moss she really suits her hair shoulder length don't you think xx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

The Celia B dress is so gorgeous, and you know I think the Jonathan Saunders dress is sexylicious. We want to see you wearing it!

Jan said...

I loved the slide show Sharon ,some amazing buys there.well done ..love Jan xx

Style At Every Age said...

Great slide show, you have picked up some fantastic stuff!

Vix said...

Great stuff! Loving the Kate moss jacket and you in the Celia Birtwell frock the most. xxx

Rebecca said...

i love designer/high street collaborations (: christopher kane for topshop has to have been one of my favourites!


Winnie said...

Oooh your Celia Birtwells are amazing! I wish my local charity shops were as good as yours!

FairyFiligree said...

Loved the show - what a lot of lovely fashionwear in your wardrobe. Still love that jaws dress - stunning. Can just imagine the kind of looks you get when you wear it!!:)

www.janetteria.com said...

So coool!

Marta said...

lovely pieces!

Haute World said...

What a fab collection! I love the Jonathan Saunders/Topshop dress and the Ossie Clark one as well!

Pearl Westwood said...

What a great stash! I have some from most of the H&M collabs and some from the Peter Jensen and Chris Kane Topshop including the croc dress x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments, thanks ever so much! xx


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