
Blog Inspiration, Wendy Brandes style

It was a wonderful surprise to wake up this morning to the post that the gorgeous Wendy B had done about me, following on from her fabulous post yesterday about her stunning vintage feather dress, which first had its debut with Wendy back in 1994 at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Gala and then again this Tuesday at the Weeksville Heritage Center!

She continued to say that quite rightly, designer and vintage pieces should be cherished and not subjected to constant wardrobe culls, which I've adopted as my mantra too, please check out her wise words immediately!!

I met Wendy in July 2008 and it was such an exceptionally wonderful day, check out the full story here of our fabulous finds and how the day went. Here are some pictures of our fabulous day:

Wendy in her stunning Ossie Clark blouse

Wendy looking gorgeous in Alexander McQueen

Of course, meeting Wendy only led to one thing-the purchase of my beautiful Diana ring, seen below and which can be purchased from Wendys fine jewelry line

Wendy was my first reader of my blog and its such a privilege to know her and learn from her wise words on style-and everything else come to that!!
Check out Wendys blog if you haven't already, she sure knows what she's talking about!!



Hey dear!

Oh I remember that post back in 2008! It was really perfect day!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Make Do Style said...

Ah yes so true xx

Vix said...

Wendy's post is fabulous! What great photos, too. She's so right about keeping things you love. Even though most of my stuff costs peanuts I can recall the excitement I had when I found it each time I pick anything from my wardrobe. xxx

WendyB said...

Ha ha ha...I wondered if I should warn you about my post and then I thought, "No, let her be surprised." But really, you are an inspiration just like your blog name says! I showed some of your thrift inspiration posts to MrB last night and he said, "WOW!!!!"

FairyFiligree said...

Well I don't blame your friend - you do know how to grab a find when you see one! I think we're made of the same stuff - my hubby is always awed by what I unearth in my thrifting expeditions! Great post

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Hehe, you two are so sweet. And your Diana ring is awesome - I agree, when I saw WendyB's stuff in real life it just made me want to go into a jewellery buying frenzy.

hippyatheart said...

ohhhh I looooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvee the Ossie blouse, would die for it ;)

Kind regards

SiouxsieL said...

Ah man, that picture of you with Wendy B is so awesome. I'm putting that as one of goals on my blog now.
Glad to Wendy B highlighted your blog, I'm enjoying it.

Style At Every Age said...

Doesn't time fly, it seems like only yesterday you met Wendy!

Wildernesschic said...

I love Wendy's blog, I would love to meet up with you guys next time xx

Siljesfashion said...

Wonderful post about you at Wendys blog! It is true, you are a master, and I always enjoy reading about your latest bargains:)Have a great weekend!!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for stopping by with your lovely comments, its so kind of you and wishing you all a fabulous weekend too! xx

Reena Rai said...

Such a cute post, love Wendy and her blog so much

www.janetteria.com said...

I love Wendy, she has an incredible great style!:)


Cadmium said...

Very inspiring - your posts keep me motivated to thift and vintage shop, and out of the chain stores. I love Wendy's dress in all styles.

Anonymous said...

Just thought I would comment and say great theme, did you code it for yourself? Really looks excellent!.

Sharon said...

Hi Anonymous, thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment, its much appreciated and yes, I did it myself.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Can’t wait to read the next ones :)

Anonymous said...

Really like the graphical design and navigation of the site, easy on the eyes and good content. other sites are just way too overflowing with adds

Anonymous said...

I just added your feed to my favorites. I really enjoy reading your posts.


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