
Frock Me!!

Yesterday saw a trip to the Kings Road, Chelsea for the Frock Me! Vintage Fashion Fair where I met the wonderful Cecile from Elegancemaison

She has a wonderful vintage stall selling many gorgeous pieces regularly at Frock Me!, one of my favourites being a black and red YSL jacket, which sold whilst I was still there!!

It was fabulous to meet up with her and I even received a parting gift of a lovely 50s chiffon pink floral scarf which I will wear very soon-thank you so much Cecile!!

I couldn't go empty handed and picked up this Vivienne Westwood top to go with my other leather skirt thrifted a couple of weeks ago.

It was a lovely day, Frock Me is certainly a great venue if you love vintage and designer fashion from all decades and want to pick up a unique piece of style history!


Pearl Westwood said...

Sounds very tempting indeed! I love a bit of Westwoodas you know, looks great with the skirt x

Vix said...

You look fantastic in black, so elegant and stylish. I love both the top and the skirt, totally fabulous. Have a wonderful week. xxx

Make Do Style said...

Great look - I was working in central London yesterday had I known I could have popped over!

Maryrose said...

I love vintage fairs! My local vintage fair is Frock Around The Clock. You are so lucky to pick up a Vivenne Westwood top


Ioana Liliana said...

Frock me! is the best, and whenever I'm in London I'm lucky enough to go to an edition of it :)


elegancemaison said...

It was so exciting to meet you Sharon. Thank you for popping in to see me, and for bringing Super Salesman Chris, who skilfully looked after my customers while we were busy chatting! You look great in your VW top - what a find and right under my nose!

Anonymous said...

How cute!! you look lovely as always....~Love Heather

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, fabulous outfit! You look fantastic xx

love home|life|style said...

Vivienne Westwood top is amazing, you are always so good at picking these things up, must have a super good eye for a quality bargain!

devilishlypleasurable said...

what a beautiful VW top!

www.janetteria.com said...

I love Ur top, dearest Sharon. U look so wonderful in this combo!


SabinePsynopsis said...

You look adorable, Sharon Rose. The Vivienne Westwood top is perfect for the skirt! xoxo

Haute World said...

What a great event! Love that WEstwood top and the leather skirt is very cool!

Rebecca said...

You look incredibly well in your black frocks! What an interesting place - wish I didn't have to cross an ocean to get there!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thank you so much for your kind comments, you are all so lovely!! xx

To Cecile, it was so lovely to meet you too and what a great stall you have, I was very impressed by the gorgeous pieces you found and so pleased with my scarf too! xx

Unknown said...

Ooh, Westwood, yay! Love it.

Looks like you had a lovely time, I'm hoping to get to the next Brighton one! x

Winnie said...

Oh you look gorgeous Sharon! Looks like a really great vintage fair too.

Budget Chic said...

Sharon, great move on the Vivienne Westwood top. Nice to make connections, so when fresh merchandise comes in, they call you first *wink, wink*

ellie said...

Looks like a great place to find some treasures.

Unknown said...

Wow, luckyyyy! Vivienne Westwood is one of my all-time fave designers, and your skirt looks amazing too! :o)


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