
Through My Lense

My eldest son Chris has just opened his own Tumblr account to showcase his photos as an online portfolio, the link is here and across in my side bar if you fancy viewing his work so far!!

Wishing you a lovely weekend and although its stopped snowing, its still very cold indeed, hope you keep safe, warm and snug!!


Pearl Westwood said...

He is very talented - and quite the acrobat!

Rebecca said...

You must be very proud!

WendyB said...

Following in his mama's online footsteps!

STYLE DY said...

That's cool!

Have a lovely weekend, dear!



That's cool!

Have a lovely weekend, dear!


Unknown said...

Wow, your son is very talented -- what beautiful photos!! Can't wait to see more. :o)

Make Do Style said...

Love your new banner! And love the peek into Chris's world - very talented xx

hippyatheart said...

great new header, my dear :) and your son ist great, too :) have a nice weekend :)

devilishlypleasurable said...

Those are beautiful pieces your son has featured! Stay warm and snug, I heard it's snowed in in Essex

CameronPoe2409 said...

Great pictures, he is very talented! Hope your weekend isnt too cold! xx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, I love the ones in the globes! And the ghost of me is great.

I also love the picture of you in the sequined dress on your new banner. Have a fantastic weekend xx

Wildernesschic said...

Handsome boy :) and lovely work you will have a budding star on your hands xx

Milla Fox Shops said...

Great piccies MS, what a talented son you have. Good luck to him with his own bloggy adventure. Love your new banner too...you look fantastic. I especially love your gorgeous silver/grey sparkly dress...is that one of your amazing thrift finds?

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your kind and supportive comments for Christopher and the blog too, they are so very much appreciated by both of us! Yes, the sequin dress was thrifted last month at the charity shop, its by Kate Moss for Topshop Xmas 2009!!

Cadmium said...

very talented young man! hope he gets lots more photo opportunities!

Barbara von Enger said...

Exquisite works of art made by your son. What talent!

Marian said...

congrats to Chris


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