
Guest post by Lucy @ Vintage London

I was recently approached by budding young journalist Lucy to do a guest outfit post for her blog Vintage London, which you can see here

Thanks so much Lucy for a lovely post and best of luck with your internship at the Telegraph, I know you will do so very well!!

This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago when we actually had some sun!! The weather forecasters keep saying it will be sunny, but the last few days have seen virtually no sun at all-I am hoping for a bright weekend!!

I do hope to catch up with you all very soon and I wish you all a fabulous weekend, whatever you are up to xxx


Veshoevius said...

Ahh the sun! You look very smart and chic - I love a blazer and jeans combination.

lunarossa said...

Love your blazer too! I've been looking for one like that for ages...White cloud here too since Monday...Let's hope for the weekend. Have a good one! Ciao. A.x

Perdita Tinsel said...

Looking very smart in the sunshine! Looks a nice day today (fingers crossed)...

Kerry Curl said...

I love a blazer, you just can't go wrong when you pair one with jeans it's such a classic look. Just thought I compliment our outfit before I pop over to see Lucy's blog properly.

Vix said...

You look so good in jeans! We've had a wonderfully sunny week, I hope you get some sunshine over the weekend. xxx

Barbara von Enger said...

Ahh, the weather has been very capricious lately, but I'm glad the sun came to stay for your your picture taking. Lovely ensemble; perfect for a relaxed weekend. The jacket combination is so effortless. Have a nice weekend. xx

Wildernesschic said...

I love your look here .. xx Its raining up north xx:(

WendyB said...

We had good weather for our Pimm's meeting, didn't we? That was fortunate!

Ofelia said...

We have so much sunlight and heat waves that we could gladly share some with you.
Congrats on the guest post.
I read it and commented on it already.

hippyatheart said...

really lovely :) hope you have a fab weekend and the sun will be back soon :)

Ella said...

lovely sunshine and lovely outfit. off to check out the guest post xx

CameronPoe2409 said...

Great outfit, fingers crossed we're going to get a heatwave. I've checked out your guest post too and its lovely xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all the kind and lovely comments! xxx

Angela said...

Sharon, I love this look on you, effortless and chic.

Rebecca said...

This is one of my favorite looks for myself & you look even better! Jeans, black jacket.....yummy! Goes ANYwhere.


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