
MIA and Vintage Fashion Fair

Hi everyone!! I've been away for quite a while, trying to get into a work and school routine and I've also enjoyed just reading everyones blogs without commenting or doing new posts-very lazy but just the mood I've been in really!!

Yesterday was the vintage fashion fair at Primrose Hill which Christopher came along to, so he could take photos with his 'new kit' (18th birthday present and a set up for future freelancing) and also to do some shopping in Camden.

We all had a fabulous day-apologies for not posting the event beforehand, but I now have updated my blog on the right hand side so a link to the fair is on here, so feel free to check out future dates by clicking the link through to the website.

Here are my favourite pictures he took of my stall-if you want to see all his pictures, then check out his facebook page link on the right hand side of my blog:

Me checking out some bargains!!

I hope you all have a great week-thanks for all your fabulous comments you've been leaving for me and a big thanks to all my readers and followers too. I hope to resume a fairly normal service of commenting back very soon, I just need to get my blog mojo back!!!


Rebecca said...

I'll check out your son's photos after I finish commenting here. How I would have loved to spend some time in your booth. It looks SO intriguing.

Please don't worry about commenting or visiting my blog. (I know I have been doing fewer clothing posts. Mainly I'm trying to get my weight back down so I can enjoy shopping and "showing off" my clothes. I know that sounds vain...)

Best wishes with your course work and everything else that is on your "plate" right now.

Wildernesschic said...

Never worry blogging is something you do because you have the time.. both commenting and posting it should never be a chore .. I am guilty of dipping in and out when I can.. but hey that is what is good we are all here now and then xx Lovely photos love those bags xx

teawithonesugarplease said...

I just adore those structured handbags makes me wish I hadn't gotten rid of my 50's collection. Like Ruth say's never feel obliged to comment - its for fun not a chore xxx

Kerry Curl said...

Those bags are simply gorgeous, how fab to have your own personal photographer! :O) x

Unknown said...

It's a weird time of year, everyone seems to be a bit sporadic in their blogging.

Are you still selling at the fairs? I need to come along some time soon! x

Make Do Style said...

I love the new header and Christopher's photos - the boy done good!!

I've been rubbish at blogging & commenting due to spending the summer with the petit garcon having fun!! And last week was back to school and this week it seems chaos has returned xx

Please may I? said...

Great photos, real talent.

Loving the new header it is very stylish.

X x

Perdita Tinsel said...

Wow, super photos! You must be very proud!

I've been off-blog for a while too- back into commenting now though!

Vix said...

Christopher is really talented! I love that picture of you searching out a bargian. x

www.janetteria.com said...

Yepp, Christopher is really talented! :)


Heather said...

Looks like a fantastic fair!! wish I could have been there browsing all the wonderful treasures stacked up :) I love your sons photography he is very talented!! So nice that he has something he really enjoys and that he is good at!! ~Have a great week Love Heather

Kezzie said...

Hey that's great Sharon! They look fab! I like that top at the front!

CameronPoe2409 said...

The pictures are fab and it looks like you have some lovely stuff to sell. Re lack of blogging, I think everyone is suffering from it at the moment. I think the rubbish weather is affecting everyone. xx

Sharon said...

Hi everybody-thanks so much for all your lovely comments, so kind of you all and much appreciated xxx


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