
Last sunny day in September!!

For a long time now, I've always hankered after a 'picture' skirt-I had a couple as a teenager and I think they make such a pretty summer skirt.

I was pleased to pick this one up at the boot sale this week for only 25p-I think its from the late 70s, early 80s and perfect for the scorching sunshine we are having today!! It really is an Indian summer for us at the moment, I hope it goes right through this weekend!!

The picture is of perfume bottles, mirrors,dressing tables and accessories. The skirt has a side button feature too and I'm wearing a black Zara cami top with it. The skirt to me has quite a 'Carrie' vibe to it, I've linked back to a previous Sex and the City vintage outfit post I did back in 2008-it shows that vintage never goes out of style, especially when its paired with something modern.

Wishing you all a really great weekend whatever you get up to. There are no vintage fashion fairs for me this weekend but I'm at Primrose Hill next Sunday. I'll be browsing the boot sales tomorrow and Sunday for late season bargains most probably!!


teawithonesugarplease said...

Another super duper find - none of the local charity shops here ever sell anything for 25p!!!

Catherine said...

Lovely - I've always had a thing for picture skirts too!! I got one in a charity shop for about £3.50 recently but my other two are from ebay and each ended up over a tenner, so 25p is pretty good eh! x

Rebecca said...

...and such a LOVELY picture, too! You've paired it well - those sandals and the cami top don't compete with the pattern & look cool and crisp! You look great it in!

Vix said...

Bargain and such a perfect fit! I love it on you. Isn't it great when a longed for item turns up for pennies?
Have a lovely sunny weekend. x

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Oh my oh my oh my Sharon! The skirt is EXQUISITE! What a find! It reminds me of Mary Katzantrou's playful interior print dresses, so interesting and so chic. Thanks so much for your kind messages of recent xxxxxxxx
PS - totally love the gorgeous new header you have up!

Veshoevius said...

That skirt is a bargain at 25p and very unusual - that's the great thing with vintage - nobody else is likely to have it!

Please may I? said...

Wow, a bargain at 25p! Plus it looks stunning too. Great for this beautiful weather.

Enjoy your car booting hun.

X x

Style At Every Age said...

What an unusual piece, love it! Lets hope its still hot for the next few days, getting used to it again now!

CameronPoe2409 said...

Such a pretty skirt, you look lovely! Carrie would be fighting you for that skirt. xx

SabinePsynopsis said...

And the lovely weather DID stay with us... aren't we lucky?! Absolutely adoring your picture skirt, Sharon. It's quirky and elegant, which in my books is always a perfect mix. xo

Bonnie said...

What a find and you look Carrie-fabulous in that skirt! I think I'm in love with it. I've enjoyed reading your recent posts and especially loved the photos of the vintage sales.

xo, Bonnie

hippyatheart said...

really love your skirt, my dear! isn't the weather nice? totally love the sun :) thank you for adding me to your must reads, what an honor!

Style Eyes Ethical Fashion Blog said...

Such a beautiful skirt. I definitely agree with the previous comment. It immediatley made me think of Mary Katrantzous interior prints for SS11.

Kezzie said...

It's lovely!!!!

WendyB said...

I was so into picture skirts for a while -- this is a particularly good one! Very different.

Make Do Style said...

That is such a good find and perfect fun! Love it xx

Heather said...

Oh that skirt is super cute!! Looks great on you!! Enjoy your warm sunshine looks like it is beautiful out there :) ~Love Heather

Bonnie said...

This skirt is gorge!!! I love the design on it.

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-lovely comments from you all, many thanks and appreciation xxx

Unknown said...

What a pretty skirt - totally Carrie B! Looks lovely on you and the simple tanktop is perfect.

Hubz and I have been watching all the SATC series DVDs, since I've never seen the uncensored original version. I'm utterly in love with Carrie Bradshaw's style! It's amazing how relevant many of her outfits are even now, over a decade since the show aired.

Pearl Westwood said...

Your skirt is so gorg, what a pretty print x

jo said...

Love the skirt, it's absoloutely gorgeous. One for my shopping list I think!




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