
Pop Up Vintage Fair, Hampstead

The Pop Up Vintage Fashion Fair yesterday was a real success, with a fabulous atmosphere and a wonderful flow of visitors. We were all treated to the singing sensations, The Three Belles who sang a medley of tunes in the morning and the afternoon.

The gorgeous Vintage Teatime were also in attendance, providing visitors and stallholders alike to a variety of gorgeously delicious home made cakes and tea-they really are a wonderful company and offer a mobile vintage tea party service, which should be considered if you ever have a vintage party!!

The fair was held at St Stephen's Rosslyn Hill which is now decommisioned. It has been fully renovated and restored to its former glory and is the perfect venue for vintage fashion, creating a lovely ambience and it was a really decadent and chic day out!

My stall  below, was just at the front so we got a lovely view of all the people flocking in, including Mr Ricky Gervais-you can see we managed to get a picture of myself and the lovely man in question!!

Thank you Mr Gervais for stopping for a picture!!

Below-The Three Belles

Vintage Teatime getting prepared for the off!!


A big thanks to the lovely Maxine too, who really does such a fabulous job organising the fairs here and at the Town Hall in Hampstead-the fair was a wonderful success with a great buzz and atmosphere and the Christmas fair should be fantastic-I can't wait and anyone who is about on Sunday 4 December should definitely try and pop by, either to treat yourself or look for the perfect unique vintage gift for Christmas!!

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend, whatever you were up to!!


hippyatheart said...

this fair indeed looks amazing, what a lovely dreamy location! lucky you to take part on something like that :)

Vix said...

What a grand location and that photo of you and Ricky Gervais is really exciting. x

Louise Mc said...

What a fabulous venue, it looks great. X

Hatastic! said...

It was a pleasure to be on a stall next to you for the day - looking forward to meeting you again real soon!

Yours Chloe @ Hatastic!

Style Eyes Ethical Fashion Blog said...

Looks like such an amazing location for a vintage fair. I love the idea of having a vintage tea party. I went to a vintage fair in Bath on the weekend, hope to post about it soon.

WendyB said...

Oh Em Gee! Awesome celeb meeting!

Veshoevius said...

He looks far better looking in this photo with you than any press pictures I've ever seen of him! I love this set up in the church - must make it along to one of these fairs one of these days!

Ofelia said...

What a fantastic place, event and group of people. I love Mr Gervais so I'm so envious and happy that you got to meet him!

Kerry Curl said...

Looks beautiful. I will be there Dec 4th!! I've been tweeting with the lovely Maxine & Salina for ages. I'm making a special trip! I better start saving some pennies to spend. x

FairyFiligree said...

Oh I wish I was there. Haven't been to London for a year now so am missing my annual London shot of vintage happiness...

Kezzie said...

Oooh, it sounds great! One of these days I will make it to there (I have a horrid feeling my orchestra concert is on the 4th but I will check and try and make it if not!)

Seeker said...

WOW, lovely place!!!
And you look so nice in that picture, dear.

Hope all is alright with you.


Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Oh nuts, I meant to go to this and forgot! Next time Gadget xx

Bonnie said...

How cool is this?? I had no idea that stuff like this went on. I'm jealous!

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

SabinePsynopsis said...

There such beautiful location in London... and this is one of them! Loving the idea of a mobile tea service. xoxo

Unknown said...

Wow!!!! Vintage shopping and Ricky Gervais all in one day?!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! You are soooo lucky! Looks like you had an amazing fabulous time. I hope one day I can attend an event like this (and that Ricky Gervais is there too)! ^_^

Bonnie said...

Ricky Gervais??!! I love him. So much!

Twitter: @GlamKitten88

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your lovely comments, they are very much appreciated xxx

Rebecca said...

What a unique and elegant setting! How I would have enjoyed being there. Congratulations on the fine photo with R.G.!


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