
There goes Summer, wearing thrifted Topshop

The weekend was an absolute scorcher and for October it was such a treat to go out not only in bare legs, but with shorts and no jacket required! We headed for the park for a lazy Saturday afternoon.

My outfit of choice was some 7 For All Mankind cut off jean shorts which are thrifted and are years old, a pair of pink Havaiana flip flops and my newly thrifted Topshop 70s style floral kimono satin bias cut blouse, which with its wide sleeves, was a cool and boho chic style choice.

It was from the same seller as my picture skirt at the boot sale last week for just 50p-I couldn't not buy it and its already a favourite of mine as it can be worn casually or dressed up!!

It ticks a lot of style boxes for me-floral, 70s style, kimono with a bias cut-thats a lot for 50 pence worth!! For me its a true last minute summer bargain!

Back to reality now, the sun is out today but the temperature has dipped-back to jackets and October dressing! What will you look forward to wearing as the weather gets back to Autumnal temperatures?


Unknown said...

Lovely top! I only buy Topshop second hand ;)

As always, I'm much happier in Autumn/Winter than in Summer so I'm excited about digging out my suedes, velvets, satins and crepes. Yum!

Vix said...

That top is gorgeous, I'd have snapped that up, too.
Your legs are fabulous in those shorts, wow!!
It's very chilly today, I've dug my tights out. x

Bonnie said...

Oh, you look great and barefoot too! You'd think it was summer and not the start of fall. BTW, I loved the skirt you featured in your last post - stunning!

Have a good day, Bonnie

www.janetteria.com said...

Now I am wearing a pair of similar denim shorts, my dear! Chic!


Perdita Tinsel said...

The best things are second hand bargains, in my opinion.

I get perplexed when people complain about high-street in bootsales and charity shops; provided it's priced right (can't get more right than 50p!!) it's a fantastic source of bargains alongside vintage and designer items.

Unknown said...

Girl, you look like a million dollars ... which is even more when you convert it to pounds, lol! I looove the top; very bohemian but feminine. Cute shorts too. You look just like a classic California girl! ^_^

lunarossa said...

You always look so stylish! Ciao. A.x.

Heather said...

That is a great top!! Looks very nice on you enjoy the sunshine ~Love Heather

Make Do Style said...

How handy was that buy...but yet alas we are going to have to get used to cold now xx

Style Eyes Ethical Fashion Blog said...

Such a pretty blouse, perfect for the unusually hot weather.

Thanks for the comment on my blog. So funny we both have the same faux fur waist coat.

hippyatheart said...

really a cute outfit, my dear, love the colour of your top! you really must have very warm weather over there, lucky you :)


Veshoevius said...

I love that top and the colour is fab on you - wasn't the weather glorious? I went out in my shortest shorts too!

Kezzie said...

Is that Valentines park? What a gorgeous top! I couldn't agree more with your sentiments about it!

WendyB said...

The ultimate summer look...in October!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments, thanks very much to you all xxx

Anonymous said...

LOVE your summer look - your adorable top should be on trend for SS12, not that it matters, just a gorgeous addition to any wardrobe.

I'm looking forward to wearing my coats (I have a little collection) and boots.

Unknown said...

perfect outfit!!i'm following you!!!


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