
Party dresses from George at Asda

The lovely people from George at Asda has invited selected bloggers, including myself, to pick from a selection of party dresses from their range currently available and I decided to go for the G21 bird print dress, which is a bargainous £14.

What I really liked about it was not just the lovely print, but the cut and style, as it is perfectly versatile as a summer dress too. Here I have paired it with a pair of royal blue opaque tights, some diamante hoop earrings and a pair of black suedette peep toe shoe boots to wear for a pre Christmas get together with family:

The shoulders have a frill detail and the dress itself has two front pockets and an elasticated waist, making it a really stylish and comfortable dress for going out to a party or for an evening meal.

The whole range features dresses from jewel bright colours, to snakeskin print to the ultimate LBD with a budget that won't break the bank. From lace to floral to swirls, polka dots and chiffon there is bound to be a dress to suit!!

A big thanks to George for sending me my dress, I'm sure I will be wearing this not only for evenings out but also during the summer too!


Please may I? said...

Looks lovely hun.

X x

elegancemaison said...

Great choice and I like the way you've styled it with the blue tights and see-through shoe-boots. I love a dress with pockets and only wish we had an Asda nearby.

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Your figure looks great in this outfit, love the boots and tights too.

Veshoevius said...

£14? Blimes that is bargainous - I love your shoes!!

Kezzie said...

Good choice which suits you! I love bird prints!

FairyFiligree said...

Love the blue tights with the open shoes....

Style At Every Age said...

That looks great on you and agree its very versatile.

www.janetteria.com said...

Such a pretty dress!

Vix said...

Gorgeous dress and styled beautifully with the blue tights and shoe boots. x

WendyB said...

Girl, you look great!

Perdita Tinsel said...

What a lovely dress- and versatile, too!

Unknown said...

Lovely! The blue is definitely your color! ^_^

The George range is also in the U.S. at Walmart. It's one of my faves!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the great comments xxx


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