
Pop Up Vintage Fair, Hampstead

Hi everyone!! We were at the Pop Up Vintage Fair in St Stephens Rosslyn Hill, Hampstead yesterday for their Christmas vintage fair and what a fantastic and gorgeous day it was too!

The hall was decked out in lights and tinsel and the lovely organiser Maxine had really pulled out the stops to ensure the day had plenty of Christmas cheer and atmosphere. She had also thoughtfully left out some chocolate santas for the stallholders too, yummy!! The lovely ladies from Vintage Teatime were in attendance and there was mulled wine, a beauty parlour and live music from the fabulous Three Belles.

Unfortunately I didn't get many photos at all as my battery went on on my phone, but check out the website for more on the day itself! It was also really lovely to meet the gorgeous Missy Vintage who had travelled down from Norwich for the day-so nice to meet you my dear!!

It was a great day and I look forward to seeing everyone again in the New Year.

I hope you all had a great weekend and wishing you all a lovely week ahead too!


Perdita Tinsel said...

How Christmassy! I love the building too.

FairyFiligree said...

Hope you made lots of sales. How is it going for you since you forged out on your own into the world of vintage fashion sales? I hope it's being successful for you. One of these days, I'd like to organise a post about how you do your thrifting....

Rebecca said...

I think it's time for me to take a trip across the ocean. What a beautiful venue. All the seasonal touches sound so charming.

SabinePsynopsis said...

This looks great! What a beautiful place for a vintage fair. xoxo

Ella said...

The place looks so festive. Glad you had a lovely day xx

Vix said...

What a gorgeous looking venue and how fab to meet Missy Vintage, one of the sweetest ladies out there! x

hippyatheart said...

really a lovely place for a vintage fair, hope you had some success and a wonderful time

Please may I? said...

What a beautiful setting.

X x

melissa said...

What a gorgeous location for the fair! Melissa x

WendyB said...

It looks lovely! Great space!

Anonymous said...

We loved having you there as always. Such a magical day with so much festive fun ... and such beautiful vintage treasures. Thanks for the post and see you in 2012. The Pop Up Vintage Fairs gang :) x

Ofelia said...

What a lovely place to spend time with vintage lovers, chocolate and music!

Anonymous said...

I would so love to attend one of these next year. Looks wonderful! x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all your fabulous comments, as always they are much appreciated xx

Unknown said...

How awesome this looks! I've always wanted to go to a vintage fair! Hopefully one day ...

Pearl Westwood said...

Now thats what I call a proper vintage fair with live music too what a treat!!

Kerry Curl said...

Lovely to meet you too! I'm just writing about the fair now. I had such a lovely time, well worth the trip, I've been to a several fairs and this was an excellent one x


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