
ThriftMyStyle Outfit Post....Khaki and red style

 Hi everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend-the weather is still so cold but we have been lucky where I live in that there has been no snow-as yet!! Out and about this weekend I thought I would wear my latest purchase, my khaki camo leopardprint and rose print scarf- mixing my two favourite winter colours of khaki and red. It was only £4 from Primark and is my current favourite scarf-I've worn it a few times already.
I am also wearing my khaki cap by Nobis which was a Christmas present from eldest son, my khaki H&M fur lined parka jacket and my trusty Pavers boots.

As you can see I've added some pops of red to my outfit-my red cross body saddle style bag and my red leather and leopardprint gloves from Marks and Spencer which were bought last Autumn.

As much as I love black I am drawn to adding some colour into my outfits for winter and it's hard to beat red. Khaki is one of my favourite trans-seasonal colours, it is so versatile and stylish in my opinion.

What are your favourite colours for winter?

I am linking this post to the lovely Patti at Not Dead Yet Style for inclusion to her wonderful Visible Monday  posts.

Wishing you all a lovely week ahead!


Vix said...

You look fantastic, cosy and warm but chic and fabulous at the same time. xxx

www.janetteria.com said...

Gorgeous bag!

Patti said...

So cozy and colorful, I love the scarf and bag! Thanks for linking up : >

Style At Every Age said...

Loving the red with the khaki, oh I do love Khaki xx

Ofelia said...

Hi Sharon, I'm glad that you are keeping warm and stylish.
I love the red leather-leopard print gloves!

Anonymous said...

Those glove are so cute! This looks like the kind of outfit you could wear all day and be comfortable, warm, and know that you look good!

Unknown said...

What a sweet color combo to brighten you winter. You look like a very pretty teenager, here!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies (new and regular!)-thanks for stopping by with these lovely comments, so kind of you all xxx

Ella said...

I love your red bag and gloves, fantastic pop of colour xx

Ella said...

I love your red bag and gloves, fantastic pop of colour xx

mispapelicos said...

Thank you, my dear Ofelia for every comment. Don´t you ever leave me again, ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Gorgeous always, my friend.

mispapelicos said...

I must have called somebody else Sharon, LOl
Thank you, dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Great outfit - loving the khaki with red - that's exactly what I need to do too!

Style Eyes said...

Khaki is definitely one of my favourite colours but I had never thought of wearing it with red. Love your outfit the handbag and the gloves are the perfect finishing touch!

citizen rosebud said...

That's a great red purse! Love your warming accents, and great coat. Favorite colors for winter? YOU are wearing them!

Unknown said...

I love your outfit! The scarf and pops of red against the khaki are fabulous! I have a parka that looks a bit like that, so you've given me some great ideas to try out for accessories. Sometimes I don't know what to wear with it, lol!

My favorite colors for winter are bright ones against dark brown, navy or gray. If I wear black I tend to wear it only with browns, whites, etc. - other neutral shades.


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