
Sourcing MyStyle of Inspiration for a Gorgeous Vintage Dress

Style Inspiration comes in lots of different guises and forms- be it via magazines, online retailers, vintage sites and of course bloggers and stylists.

I've always loved vintage dresses and coming up to Summer I really wanted something different and that would be totally wearable too- so sourcing first, my inspiration came from the British designer Thea Porter. She produced stunning bohemian creations back in the 60s and early 70s from French, Italian and Turkish fabrics that were adorned with beading and embroidery and her designs are surely the inspiration for the current boho hippy chic that has been so popular for this last decade. Here are dresses which were on sale at the exclusive vintage couturier, Decades, Inc

Following on from there my inspirational path led me to the gorgeous Tiffany Wendel, whose blog is a definite must see for anyone who needs inspiring on the vintage, denim and designer path- as a professional stylist she sure knows how to put an outfit together in such a unique and stylish way that will leave you waiting to see what she creates next- here is her vintage dress that captivated me:

So finally I had an idea of what I wanted- something for casual chic, daytime dressing, not too floaty so it can be more trans-seasonal and worn with or without a jacket. Sure enough, after much hunting I found the perfect dress for me, a vintage 70s bohemian style dress by Phool which has a quilted and embroidered bodice with beading detail and the dress has a paisley pattern in general:

I'm still experimenting with it regarding jackets and footwear- I can't decide between sandals or boots, so an outfit post will follow once I've decided!!

What and who is currently inspiring you for your next purchase?


Alexandra Petersen said...

Stunning! I am so over the white chalky interior look, I am taking all my rooms back to a William Morris style and fashion and interiors go hand in hand!

Helga said...

O, these are the most beautiful, gippie-tastic frocks!
Love the first frock best!
I'm working on not making a purchase for a while, considering I just bought a pile of frocks in Melbourne! EEP!

Helga said...

oops, I meant HIPPIE-tastic!! X

hippyatheart said...

ebay is a great source for kaftan dresses like these! just search for (india,indian) dress in the vintage clothes section on ebay uk!

Sharon said...

Yes that's where my one came from , thanks!!

Sharon said...

Hehe, enjoy your new haul!! Great to hear from you!!

Sharon said...

Sounds stunning, I will be over soon to catch up on your posts!

Ofelia said...

The dress colors and prints are similar to the ones wore by Tiffany.
Please show some photos of you all boho-chic 70's style!

Vix said...

My Mum and Grnadma were big fans of Phool - they used to sell them in Debenhams - the ones with the quilted bodices were their favourites too. xxx

Perdita Tinsel said...

I love this look. There used to be a shop in Camden Stables Market where they recycled saris and made some great boho dresses (and bikinis!).

Heather said...

Oh yeah love it thats my style bust out the minnetonkas and that is boho cali :) Have fun Love Heather

CameronPoe2409 said...

The print is so pretty, looking forward to seeing how you style it xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all the lovely comments, you are all so kind and thoughtful!!

Rebecca said...

I DO love vintage "frocks".....don't have any in my closet though. I DO think about a couple that got away. I should have held on to them :)


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