
Reiss, George and Primark - Recent Style Thrift Finds for this Summer

Hi everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the glorious summer weather we are having at the moment, school holidays are just arriving and it's such a nice feeling not to be worrying about ironing school uniforms, setting the alarm and making packed lunches- a nice hiatus until September for a lot of us mums!

I thought I would share some fairly recent thrift finds which I intend wearing for this summer. The first blouse featured here is a find from last week from my local British Heart Foundation charity shop for £3.75. It's a George by Asda top and is brand new. I've been after some coloured leopardprint for a while so this top really fits the bill with it's vibrant purple and red hues and with it's silky and loose feel it's a great dressy style top for right now:

This next find was in a neighbouring town's Scope charity shop and when I saw the price I couldn't believe it- £2.50 for a silk Reiss tunic top!! What made it even more unbelievable was there was a Primark top I really liked too but it had a visible run/pull on the shoulder and was priced at £4.95!! The only instance I've seen Reiss cheaper than Primark, hehe!! It's a really cute tunic top with satin buttons, pintucking detailing and lace around the front top and back:

It's an ideal evening top with a pair of  summer leggings or skinny jeans and is a great trans-seasonal piece too, one of my most bargainous quality finds of this year.

I have also wanted some coloured denim for the Summer but not in jeans- I was hoping to find either a skirt or jacket. So I was pleased to find this coloured denim yellow, fairly neon skirt by Primark for £3.50 at a neighbouring DEBRA charity shop last month. I've already worn this a few times and it's proved to be a real summer asset in my wardrobe- I just love the bright colour of it and it looks great with a black or white top:

So have you managed to plug the gaps in your summer wardrobe? Are you looking for any particular pieces or are you making the most of what you already have in your summer closet?

Why not check out your local charity shop's offerings next time you are in town, you may well be pleasantly surprised that you can pick up a real quality item for around the same cost of a large latte from Starbucks-that is how I view it and at least I've still got my item long after the coffee has been consumed!!

Have a great week ahead!!


Avenue 57 said...

WOW I LOVE that skirt and the top and the dress - actually I love it all in equal measures!

You are such a good shoppper!!


Applebypie said...

Great bargains - I love charity finds! I am keeping away from high street stores at at the moment so will be popping in to our charity stores again to see what I can find!

Vix said...

That George top and the acid yellow jeans are just perfect for this lovely weather!
I'm wearing the clothes I usually reserve for India but I've knocked up a few maxis to plug the gap! x

Sue said...

I seem to be altering clothes left right and centre and hoping something will see me through. The most succesful item is cutting up some old jeans in to shorts - who hasn't done that one?

hippyatheart said...

really amazing, a reiss top made of silk for that price??!! wow!!

Anne said...

I wish I could find great pieces like yours but there aren't too many good charity shops near my town. Love the Reiss tunic:)

www.janetteria.com said...

Reiss tunic top is my fave!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-all of your comments are so thoughtful and lovely, thanks so much! xxx

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful yellow skirt ;)

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Maya said...

Beautiful dress! Love d top also
Like u on my blog also

Rebecca said...

Wow! That purple/red combination really POPS!

The yellow denim skirt is REALLY sharp! Is it a short one? I'll be you kook (I mean "look") fabulous in it.

renae said...

Ooooh, (rhymes with shoe)I like the yellow neon skirt, for some crazy reason. Ok, So now I know your currency -- I will be celebrating right along with you.


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