
Vintage Phool Dress Find- MyStyle of Perfect for Summer!

Hi everyone! The day I found my denim maxi dress in my previous outfit post was when I also found another vintage 70s summer dress by the gorgeous label Phool. You may remember I found a Phool dress a couple of months ago which I blogged about here

I found this one in the Richard House Childrens Hospice in a local neighbouring town and it was the same price as the denim maxi dress, £6- two summer dresses for less than £15 is my kind of bargain!!

The dress is so 'Studio 54' in design, I really love the bodice with the tiny button detailing, the gold thread running through the dress and the cute ties on the shoulders:

But my favourite part of the dress is the skirt- I've been after a vintage cheesecloth style summer dress for ages so the skirt part of it fits the bill perfectly and it has a fabulus gold ribbon hem too!!

I wore the dress with some Clarks sandals that I thrifted last year at my local Sue Ryder charity shop and I'm sure they were around £8-they are a wedge heel and just so comfortable and being tan tend to go with a lot in my summer wardrobe!

I hope you are all managing to keep cool in this very hot weather-do you find you're wearing summer dresses a lot too? For me, a dress is perfect summer dressing-not only are they stylish and comfortable, but a good fitting one means you can keep cool and refreshed throughout the day, even if you feel like you're wilting! 


Style At Every Age said...

That certainly is a fab dress Sharon, love the gold thread running through it. I'm off shopping tomorrow and need a couple of cheap strappy day dresses to help cope with the heat!

Please may I? said...

Thats a beautiful dress hun x x

Ofelia said...

Sharon, you are looking gorgeous and very summery in this dress.
You did great with both of the dresses, they fit you so well and you pay very little.

Anne said...

You look nice and cool in your dress:) Have a good day!

Veshoevius said...

What a lovely dress for the hot weather - isn't the weather glorious? You look great in spaghetti straps! I've been pulling out my strappy dresses too!

Vix said...

That is one gorgeous dress and you look wonderful in it! x

Heather said...

Wow its gorgeous and fits you great!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous dress! The colors, fit, everything's just spot on! I know how fabulous it is to find summer bargains so I'm thrilled for you! :o)

WendyB said...

Oh, yes, very Studio 54! Great find.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-such lovely comments, thanks a lot to you all! xxx


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