
London Fashion Week Photos at Hunger TV magazine

Hi everyone! In Monday's post I said I would do a post later in the week on my talented son's photography for Hunger TV magazine for London Fashion Week

Here are my favourite photos of what he took both backstage and front of house for various designers and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!  As well as the shows featured he was at Eudon Choi, Christopher Raeburn and PPQ. Please do check out the designers links for a full synopsis of the show and more photographs too:


Wishing you all a lovely weekend!!


Mrs C said...

hanks for sharing, Sharon! Hope to catch up soon!

MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

Style At Every Age said...

Fantastic pictures Sharon, really enjoyed looking at these x

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love these photos, I love fashion photography and really enjoyed looking at these.

Anonymous said...

These are really special, and as you say, your son is indeed talented. My favourite is the candid of John Rocha standing in the corner.

J. said...

Wow, so much pretty stuff and inspiration in one single post! Loved this post, Sharon! :)

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for your lovely comments, it's so kind of you to stop by xxx

Unknown said...

Wow! So much incredible inspiration! The photos are amazing! Love the backless shirt! Very cool!


Claire Justine said...

Wow amazing photos, love them all :)looking forward to reading more...


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