
Thrift Inspiration.....Day Birger Et Mikkelsen and Dune Way!!

Hi everyone!! Over the last few weeks I haven't been visiting the boot sales as often as I have done in the past, so on Sunday I decided to visit my local one as inevitably boot sale season will be coming to a close shortly. I do love Autumn as I'm most happiest in jeans, jackets and boots which are my three favourite items that I can have in my wardrobe. I was fortunate to be gifted some flat ankle boots from T K Maxx which I showed you all at the beginning of the week and I was inspired by Vogues Spy section in choosing them.
Well my latest boot sale trip provided dividends as I was rewarded with this pair of black leather riding boots by Dune, which I so love and can't wait to start wearing:

They're knee height and being flat are perfect additions to my wardrobe as I've far too many heeled shoes and boots that rarely get worn:

As you can see, riding boots are very much on trend this season and not cheap either- to shop Dune for their current riding boots you're looking at an eye watering £250 and Ralph Lauren's are an even more unbelievable four figure amount of £1050-gulp!!

Which is why I love to see what is on trend for coming seasons and try to thrift accordingly!! My Dune pair were a bargainous £3- a lady spotted them before I did, tried them on and slung them aside and I just pounced and paid my money for them without any hesitations! If these are my last boot sale bargain of the year, I shall be most pleased!!

My second bargain over the weekend was this stunning cotton and silk peasant blouse by Day Birger et Mikkelsen a Scandinavian company which produce really unique covetable pieces and can be found at the likes of Net-A-Porter and My-Wardrobe:

The colour is very much plum/grape which is a perfect Autumn colour and will work easily with existing jeans, trousers and jackets in my wardrobe already and the price from my local Sue Ryder charity shop? A wonderful £3.25, less than a bottle of wine and a perfect weekend self treat!!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend whatever you get upto!! I've been a bit behind updating my other blog, LiveToLoveDenim.com, but I've just put a new post up-it would be great if you get a chance to check it out!!


Vix said...

Fantastic! That blouse is gorgeous and I always snap up flat leather boots from the boot sale, they seem a strange thing to get rid off, don't they? xxx

Anne said...

Gosh..the boots and top are fab Sharon!Perfect for Autumn:)Have a good weekend.
~Anne xx

Claire Justine said...

Oh my, your boots are amazing and such a bargain, love these boots Sharon, I can just imagine how good you felt buying them, its so exciting finding something great :)

Hope you get chance to share them at my Share your Style Saturday hop tomorrow :)

Have a lovely weekend...

Veshoevius said...

Fabulous boots! Flat knee highs are something on my shopping list for winter too.

Style At Every Age said...

Amazing boots Sharon, what a bargain, like you, I'd be very happy with these! x

Anonymous said...

You get some of the best bargains Sharon! Those boots and the blouse are wonderful and will see you beautifully through this Winter. xx

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Why would anyone have got rid of either of those? Bonkers!

hippyatheart said...

really lovely finds, birger is one of my fave labels, their stuff is really incredibly well made!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-so lovely of you all to leave these comments, thanks so much! xxx

Avril x said...

AMAZING finds! Good on you - love both of them and am very envious! x


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