
My Boys All Wrappz Up!

Hi everyone! Earlier this year I inherited my oldest son's I phone 4S and with it, a rubber case which certainly has done the job but has lost it's elasticity and grip and on my travels I have been trying to check out alternative cases to have.

As luck would have it, I was approached by Wrappz.com last week who asked if I would like to review one of their cases. I immediately replied and said yes, not only because I could personalise it but the actual case itself is made from the highest quality materials and are really lightweight and durable.

I decided to customise it with a photo of my beautiful two boys when they were young so I have a constant reminder of how cute and lovely they are, hehe!! The photo wraps right around the sides too so the overall look is really quite professional looking:

The case arrived at the weekend and I was really amazed at how it felt- light, hardwearing and considering how smooth it was, it really is good to grip hold of-it's not at all slippery and now the phone is in it, it really just feels part of the phone:

I can really recommend the case and Wrappz also do phone skins too- I'm sure they would make an ideal present or stocking filler now Christmas is approaching and can be personalised for your dearest family member or friend. 

I have three £5 gift vouchers available too so if you do decide to order a case, drop me an email first and I will send the first three people who contact me the gift voucher code!!

I hope you are all having a great week, the weather is really mild but on and off rainy and windy so Autumn has set in for sure now!!


Style Eyes said...

What a lovely photograph! Definitely a great reminder to have on your phone.

Jean at www.drossintogold.com said...

Aww, they're so cute!! I bet they're super handsome now. I love the idea of having a phone case like that. I keep younger photos of both my now-grown kids in my phone. It makes me happy to see them when they were little.

Hope your autumn is going well!! XXOO

Anonymous said...


WendyB said...

I have my pets on a case I created on Shutterfly, but I think I'm going to have to trade it in for one of the cases that recharges your battery. It sucks because those aren't personalized but I really need more battery life!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the lovely comments! xx


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