
Wardrobe Re-organisation and Edit

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a really nice weekend-for me I didn't make the trip to the vintage fair at the SouthBank on Saturday as I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with something and with the weather being so temperamental I decided to just spend the day catching up with house work and a spot of local thrifting. 

Yesterday was a really chilled relaxed day which was just as well as the weather was wet and windy and was just perfect for staying in and browsing the 'net, watching films on TV and eating!! I have been thrifting quite a fair bit lately, but I've been trying to get items that I know will fit in with the rest of my wardrobe and get worn regularly and items that slot into this category include sweaters and more trousers and jeans. Over the weekend I really edited and sorted what I had, what I wanted to keep and get all winter items close to hand. Here is a snapshot of my wardrobes in general and this first one is for jackets only-everyday winter and other seasonal ones:

Next are my chest of drawers which in drawer one (top) are scarves and cardigans; the middle drawer is for tees, shirts and blouses and light sweaters and the bottom drawer is knitwear:

My other wardrobe has my jeans on the top shelf and all my vintage and designer jackets, dresses, skirts, trousers and tops that need to be on hangers:

Here is a picture of my storage for other items- the wicker Fortnum & Mason hamper basket holds my jeans that are on rotation, the green case below it holds knitwear on rotation, the case below has a mix of different items that are trans-seasonal. The 'Tiffin Tin' box holds woollen scarves, the wooden crate holds more scarves and the blue case has my summer tees and blouses.

These are all on a vintage trunk that holds my summer skirts and dresses.

I did do quite a bit of a wardrobe edit a couple of weeks ago with the unwanted items sent to the charity shop. I've only got less than five items sorted from the weekend that I'm going to put on ebay at some point and I'm hoping to put the funds towards a pair of ankle boots that I've seen!

I feel that I'm pretty much up to date with basics for winter but I will be on the look out for a couple of scarves-preferably with a red or pink mix to liven up my winter coats and jackets which are housed in my downstairs cupboard. I've a good selection of parkas, faux fur, black coats and trench coats- they just need a splash of colour I think!!

I really want to make the most of my wardrobe and really start wearing what I have rather than keeping worrying about what I haven't got- a re-organisation really helps you realise what you already have and just need to get on and wear!!

Wishing you all a really good week ahead! Do you have your wardrobe sorted for the winter season? Will you be making do or do you have a few items that you need to get to pull your wardrobe together, I'd love to hear about that!!


hippyatheart said...

Great! I just do have the same feelings about my wardrobe. Started to sort out a lot of items - and then recognized that they are so much up to date and my personal taste that I kept most of them and sold only 5 items, too.

Avenue 57 said...

Oh you are so good - you are putting my wardrobe to shame!

I am a little bit inspired to get more organised!!


Vix said...

Even after a few hours of tidying my wardrobe's still nowhere as neat and organised as yours! Great idea using the F&M hamper as additional storage, we've got one somewhere! xxx

Unknown said...

So very tidy, and organised......I have just done the same this weekend! It makes you feel so much better to have a bit of a clear out! xx

Kezzie said...

You are SO tidy. I'm a hopeless mess!!!

Sue said...

Oh my goodness- it's too neat and tidy. I am getting quite a complex. Mine is neatish and I have overflow boxes but my drawers - a rabid jumble of allsorts! Off to get sorting. I have been shamed in to action.

Sharon said...

Hi Sue! Oh I am a natural neat freak, please don't feel shamed by my obsession, hehe!! xx

www.janetteria.com said...

Love that systems... neat and tidy! Good work, my dear!

Style Eyes said...

I definitely need to get my wardrobe sorted. I am really bad at clearing out and love hoarding.

Unknown said...

So neat & tidy! I do try but digging around in the dark some mornings I end up with a mess so always straighten up on a Sunday ready for the next week! I do try to plan outfits in advance but some mornings I just fancy a change! Ax

Claire Justine said...

Lovely and tidy, aww I need to do mine now i have seen how tidy yours is,lol :)

Anonymous said...

You are so good! My goal for the last 3 years has been to reduce my wardrobe items (I know!) so that I can have everything to view without boxes and trunks all over the house. If I pack things away, I simply forget what I have. I was pretty organised this year for a change and nabbed a lot of things for Autumn/Winter since the Spring/Summer Sales so i'm all set except for a pair of black leather gloves. xx

Anonymous said...

I LOVE cleaning out my closet, organising things, getting rid of (or selling) things that are no longer me….it feels like a rebirth. I do it at least twice a year. Love it.


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