
Thrift Inspiration.....Net-A-Porter & Blogger Style!!

Hi everyone! I hope you've all had a great week-the weather overall has been pretty awful with some being a lot worse off than others in different areas of the UK. I do so hope you haven't suffered very badly with flooding and the like. It is so sad and soul destroying for people who have lost goods and treasured possessions because of the continuous floods- I hope and pray they will be able to get their lives back on track as soon as possible.

My week has been busy with working at different libraries but I have the weekend off-yay!! When I go to different towns for work I always try to sneak in visits to the local charity shops. Wednesday lunchtime saw me browsing at six during my lunch hour, bagging a bargain and still having time for a sneaky McDonalds before going back to work! 

Style wise I've noticed that I go through phases-if it's not denim and jeans, then it's jackets and coats and if it's not neither of these then it's handbags!! Like jeans and jackets, I can never have enough handbags- if I spy a quality one then I'm there like a homing device!!

I've been on a slow burning mission to get a slouchy hobo style leather bag- I have a good few totes, structured handbags, cross body bags and clutches but wardrobe purges over the years have seen me get rid of my slouchy hobo styles. Here are my favourites at Net-Porter of what's influenced me:

Elizabeth and James textured backpack, £445

 Anya Hindmarch Maxi Zip satchel £795

Chloe The Marcie £1195

Marc Jacobs Classic Q Hillier Hobo, £350

 Proenza Schouler PS1 Large Satchel, £1440

So this is what I found below- a gorgeously buttersoft, slouchy hobo style leather black bag by All Saints for a fabulously frugal £3!! It is actually so roomy-it has three large compartments, a front zipper pocket and inner compartments too:

To be fair, I most probably didn't need another black bag, but I really couldn't pass on this one and on days when I need to store my brolly, hat, scarf, lunch and other general bits and bobs it's great to have just one bag that doesn't look like you've stuffed your whole world in there and can't close the zip! I've culled four bags that no longer make the cut in terms of quality and size so I don't feel so bad buying another one!

On that note, another bag which has been on my radar thanks to the lovely Michelle of Myfashionable40s is this Autograph leopard and black leather cross body bag. She blogged about it here in November and I couldn't indulge at the time as I had bought the wedge boots in the same post when M&S were doing their 20% off. However last Sunday whilst browsing ebay I was ecstatic to find it for less than £25 on a buy it now!! 

It arrived on Thursday and I'm so pleased with it-everytime I've seen Michelle wear hers I've been thinking how it was 'the one that got away'. It really is so versatile and stylish and the perfect size too and the money I spent was gifted so I actually didn't spend my own money-yay!!

So two 'new to me' handbags for February and having bought a red woolly hat in Dorothy Perkins on Tuesday too, my total spends thus far is £8-not too bad, but I had envisioned a couple of weeks ago that I might be doing Avril's Frugal February style challenge-it's been an unfortunate fail there for me but I shall certainly be trying to be as frugal as possible for the rest of the month.

How is your February going style and frugal wise? Wishing you all a good weekend-i'm having a relaxing one with a dash of housework thrown in and also looking forward to Sunday evening when the next installment of Mr Selfridge comes on-my TV highlight of the week!


CuratingMi said...

Hey Sharon.....so glad you managed to get your hands on that M&S bag....you won't regret it, it's so lovely. Don't you think it's great quality? Really happy with mine!!

You've done brilliantly with the All Saints bag too.....I'm am now off to scour eBay in hope of finding myself a black messenger style bag with some silver hardware....the only bag shaped hole there seems to be for me in the wardrobe at the moment!

As for Frugal Feb....been a big fat fail for me too! I had to invest in a new parka with all this rain we are having at the moment! My H&M one had to go back as the zip broke! Realised it was the only coat I had with a hood so it needed to be replaced! Trust me to fall in love with a parka from Topshop which was twice the amount of the original! :0/ Also bought the bomber jacket you have already seen, a Pull & Bear sweatshirt and a belt :0( There is no hope for me this month.....must try harder next month! xx

Kezzie said...

Frugally, my February is NOT going well!!! Must do better! Nice bags!! X

Avenue 57 said...

oh my goodness why do I never find things like this in my local shops or on ebay - I LOVE both items!

I am trying very hard to not spend in Feb (I bought nothing in Jan either!)

www.janetteria.com said...

Love that leopard one!

Style At Every Age said...

I still thank that could be classed as Frugal February Sharon, you haven't spent a lot and your whole ethos is fashion on a budget anyway. Great bag and what a find getting Michelle's one on ebay. She has been very naughty lol xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone! Thanks as always for your lovely comments: @Michelle, good luck with your bag hunt on eBay and thank you for your constant style inspiration-can't wait to see your new parka! @ Kezzie lol, we can't resist our thrifty bargains@Fiona well done on the no spending last month! @Janet thanks my dear! @Sharron thanks for your viewpoint, I think because I've physically bought items I still feel guilty, lol!!

Mrs C said...

Great find with the bag and the leopard print is spot on trend!

Mrs Jack Of All Trades
Dubai, UAE

Alison Cross said...

That is a great bargain, your black slouch bag. I stuff everything into a more rigid bag and, you're right, it looks awful - with the zip taut to bursting!

I'll keep my eyes open for a black slouchy one!

And the little leopard print one is VERY cool!


Style Eyes said...

Love the textured bag. I will definitely have to search out something thrifty like yours instead though as I just couldn't justify those prices.

Unknown said...

Gotta have a bag that holds all my stuff. When I go out, I drive miles and miles and I need everything I own to keep me company ... not quite that bad really, but almost.
And while you can have too many black handbags, you can't have enough really good ones! Great job.


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