
Thrift Inspiration....Pinterest & Lucky Brand

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a really great week so far, it's half term in the Thriftmystyle house but with working and general life moving ever fast and forwards it's been hard to keep up with blogging.

It's great though when you suddenly get inspired and today's inspiration comes straight from this mornings activity of  scanning and pinning via pinterest. This has been an extremely slow burner for me and I originally opened an account 'just because' sometime last Summer. The account sat unused and that was mainly because I really didn't understand how it worked and how it would benefit me and my blog.

So last month after deciding I should check it out properly, I was so glad I did as boy, it really has captured me in all things style related and is definitely my guilty pleasure of the moment! A bonus is a lot of my favourite friends, bloggers and brands are on there too which makes pinning so inspiring and addictive.
So back to today's post- I started this morning with a cup of tea and the radio and some pinterest and one brand that I was constantly pinning was Lucky Brand, whose style aesthetics are right up my street! Being a lover of denim and tailored pieces their pictures for me are so inspiring and here are some of my favourites from what I pinned earlier:

Then while I was pinning, it dawned on me to share with you a find from late Summer last year which is this lovely little navy tailored jacket from...Lucky Brand clothing!

I'ts a wool jacket and having already so many blazer styles already in my wardrobe I was pleased to find this differently styled one:

I found it in my local British Heart Foundation charity shop for £8.99 and the pictures don't show the true colour which is a dark navy. I've pinned so many different pictures which pair smart jackets and jeans that I've a good idea of how I'll be wearing this one soon when the weather gets a touch warmer!

What is currently inspiring you style wise at the moment? I would love it if you did check out my pinterest board and follow if you like what you see!!

Wisihing you all a lovely week ahead, whatever you are upto and thanks to you all for your continued support, reading and commenting it is always much appreciated.


Vix said...

That jacket looks almost identical to the vintage Swedish Army one I bought Jon for Xmas! Its fab. x

CuratingMi said...

Hi Sharon! Once you get the hang of Pinterest you get hooked don't you?! I'm following you and you have some fab inspiration going on.....love the pic of Steve McQueen (my hero!) and Ali McGraw!

As for the Lucky Brand jacket.....I am in awe....what a wonderful find it's gorgeous....truly envious as always! Hope you are having a great half term x

hippyatheart said...

really love that jacket, what aa fab quality find!

Anonymous said...

Love that jacket! It's the classic safari style which is so chic and I know you'll look great in it! I'm wokring on updating my closet this year with some sporty stuff and leaner lines. xx

Unknown said...

Hi Sharon, sorry I have been a bit quiet on the blogging front lately, but life/work sometimes has to come first.....But, just to say what a find that jacket is? I love its a bit different to the usual blazer shapes, I just think it's socool, as always one very clever lady!!

Avril x said...

What a great find - that navy jacket is stunning. Also loving your pinterest pics. Heading over now for a closer look! Ax

Unknown said...

A great find- beautiful jacket! So glad I've found your blog. I love how you get your inspiration from expensive sites like Net-a-Porter, then source similar items elsewhere. I'm just getting started in blogging and really enjoying it so far.


Anonymous said...

Lovely jacket, Sharon. I love Pinterest, too - but it's sort of love/hate, as it's such a time waster. A very nice one, though!

Style Eyes said...

I love that jacket. I definitely get loads of inspiration from Pinterest. At the moment I am on the look out for boho style pieces ready for that warmer weather.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone!! Thank you so much for your lovely comments and support on here and on pinterest too, it really means a lot xx

Unknown said...

That jacket is so fab Sharon! You really have such a good eye for finding great stuff! Ax


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