
My week's purchases-Plus a rose for a Rose (ha ha!)

It's been a busy week on the spending front! I went to the Chigwell Boot Sale Today and came away with another tiered floral skirt, a brushed check mens vintage style shirt from Topman and a vintage Chanel (?) twinset for £3. It is label-less, so someone's snipped away at them, but it's a cardigan and polo style short sleeve top in navy and red trim- I will post piccys soon!

Anyway, I thought I would show you my new sandals with my maxi dress I bought on Thursday :-)

And with my fluoro pink cheesecloth shirt and Chloe Jeans

And my vintage dress also bought on Thursday

In Peacocks where I bought the sandals was this fabaroony ring, which I thought pays perfect homage to 'moi' -Rose is my second name :-)


Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I love the second picture it looks like it's from the 70s!

Both dresses are very cute, i love prints lately!

Sharon said...

Hey Jen-thanks very much! For summer, I adore prints too!!

WendyB said...

You're working the pink, girl! Love all the looks but especially the maxi.

L.I.N said...

love the maxi dress! it looks great on you!

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-thanks a lot-When it comes to picking summer items, I'm just subconciously going for tropical colours!

Hi Eleh-thanks so much, I'm hoping to wear it often as it's an ideal day dress.

Siljesfashion said...

Love the pink dress and the ring! Lovely. I think you got some great deals, cant wait to see more pictures!! Have a great weekend!

Danz said...

I really like the vintage dress and the ring! Thanks for your comments on my blog :)

Sharon said...

Hi Siljes-thanks so much! It's lovely to be in summer dresses, isn't it!!

Hi Danz, nice to see you again-thanks a lot!!

Anonymous said...

Oh your shoes are perfect - so is the ring - suits you so well!

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-thanks so much and thanks for stopping by!!


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