
Other Bargains To Inspire!!

I thought I would show you some more bargains I've picked up over time. I really do like to sing the praises of thrifting at boot sales, flea markets and charity shops- you never know what you will find and someone else's trash can be your treasure. These are some of my favourite buys :-)

Mulberry weekender clipper bag £1, Willow Farm Boot Sale

Missoni Foulard (Scarf) £2, All Aboard Charity Shop

Turquoise Eelskin Leather Saddle Bag £1.50, Dunton Boot Sale

Fendi Wallet/Purse £2, Wanstead Rugby Club Boot Sale

My cheapest find of all -From Wanstead Rugby Club Boot Sale, a Gucci Accessory Collection Satin Purse for 20p !!! PLUS £100!!!

Yes-£100 found in a secret compartment!! Oh yes-I did not find this until about a week later, when I gave the purse a once over-I was totally gobsmacked when one of the compartments revealed a money bag which had 5 old £20 notes in it!!

The bank changed them for modern ones, but this has got to be the ultimate buy so far!


Ida said...

Sharon, you've got the coolest vintage pieces ever! Let me know if you ever sell the first bag;))

Anonymous said...

Oh, absolutely love the scarf and the blue purse! :-)

WendyB said...

The Gucci purse is the best vintage buy I've ever heard of.

Bluukbob said...

the electric blue purse is such a find!!!!

lucky you


Sharon said...

Hi Ida-thanks so much-thats really nice of you-I will definitely think of you first if this bag leaves my wardrobe!!

Hi studentsil-thanks very much-yes, I do love the blue purse-the colour is very vivid!

Hi Wendy-thanks so much-yes, I've got to beat this-I have to find an Ossie dirt cheap-I wish!!

Thanks catherine ashley-yes, it is really cute!!

Charlotte said...

You're such a crazy shopper! I love the blue bag.

J said...

all i want to say is- i'm jealous*


Sharon said...

Hi Charlotte-thanks!! I think I am crazy where shoppings concerned-I buy too much!!

Hi rose!! I'm sure you also have some things I would be jealous of-ha ha!!

Danz said...

Well lucky you finding £100! I've found money in secondhand stuff before but never that much. Make sure to spend it wisely (on more great thrifts of course!)

Sharon said...

Hi danz-It was a while ago now and the money went towards a credit card bill ;-(

Pamcasso said...

Wow! great finds! would love a missoni scarf. I can't believe the prices on all these things!

Sharon said...

Thanks pamcasso! Yes, this is something I've always wanted too, so I was very pleased when the cashier said she only wanted £2-result!!

Siljesfashion said...

I dont understand how you can get all these pieces so cheap! That never happens here, haha.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-I don't always find things when I go thrifting-believe it or not I sometimes come home empty handed! I suppose its more at boot sales that I get my bargains, especially in the 'posher parts of Essex'-ha ha!!


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