
Regrets-yes a few!!

You may or may not be aware that I adore Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell. I have three pieces by Ossie and about eight of Celias. For those of you who don't know Celia, she was married to Ossie Clark in the 1970s and has produced three collections for Topshop.
Cash restraints mean I cannot collect a lot of Ossie Clark, but I do try and get Celia's pieces wherever possible. This brings me to my sorry tale of finding an immaculate Ossie Clark in my local charity shop, about four years ago. It was a maxi dress in the exact print and chiffon material as below, without the halter neck and mine had short sleeves. Well, to cut a long story short, I sold this dress (Resurrection in Los Angeles bought it from me) for a very good price so I could pay off some debt. I also sold my Chanel bag, too as I thought I wouldn't use it as it was too big.

On sale at C20Vintagefashion.co.uk, for £595
Well, to say I regret these two sales is an understatement! I would love these 2 items back in my wardrobe, but to quote a couple of phrases-"tough luck!" and "c'est la vie!" spring to mind!
I suppose it was the thing to do at the time.
But fellow fashion lovers, my story is a cautionary tale to any of you who may be tempted to sell those cherished treasures you have in your wardrobe-Please, please think twice!!
Maybe finances will have to dictate otherwise, but if at all possible, try and think of an alternative, or you may well regret it in time to come!!


Siljesfashion said...

I totally understand. I hope that you are in luck someday by finding some of those things again!

Sharon said...

Every time I go thrifting, I always hope for one of two things, Silje-to find an Ossie Clark dress or a Chanel Bag-ha ha!! You never know!!!

WendyB said...

This is a good reason to avoid debt! :-)

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-I know, my head says this is right-my heart says noooo!!!

Ida said...

Dearest Sharon, I do understand and sympathize with you, and I do love fashion but I can't help saying those are just stuff. Don't regret anything, life is too full of other good things! Saying this with all my love - xoxo

Ida said...

I hope you are not mad at me - I was just trying to cheer you up:)

Anonymous said...

this is why my closet is wayy to full i can never bear to part with anything!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

It's always great to find items that you are in love with. I had no idea about their collections, thank you for sharing!


I am linking you! :)
Thanks for always commenting so sweetly on my Blog! :)

The Fancier said...

Oh I love Ossie! I am so sad for you! Maybe you'll come across another one again at a unbelievable price.

Sharon said...

Dearest Ida-I am definitely not mad at you!! Thank you for your kind words and you are definitely right-when you put it in perspective, it is just 'stuff'-this sort of thing gives us the incentive to enjoy finding more stuff-ha ha!!

Sharon said...

Hi Emma-ha ha-at least you have an amazing collection in front of you!!

Hi Jen-thanks! Yes, Ossie Clark and Celia Birtwell are very much the designers of the late 60s and early 70s and Celia's prints are to die for!!

Hi fashion chalet-pleased to link up with you-thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Hi August-this is what I'm hoping for!! Thanks!

Pamela Tan said...

there are times when i feel like all the things in my closet are TRASH and i just throw/give them away without thinking twice! uh-oh!

but before i cud ever regret it, i already bought something to replace the emotional loss :)

maybe u cud do that too.. and exchange ur favorites!

Sharon said...

Yes-this an excellent idea- a new replacement is the way to go!!THANKS!!

Ashleigh said...

im all too familiar with that....i've sold many things at my yearly garage sales that I would LOVE to get back (I would pay THEM to ive it back to me!! ) I feel your pain but whats done is done..:s

Sharon said...

Hi ash1314- yup, you're surely right-there's no going back-we can make up for it with future purchases-ha ha!!


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