Black leather jacket, Limited Collection £149
A big thanks to everyone who commented on my leather jacket in yesterdays post too!! Diana was the main topic of conversation, but I just wanted to mention that my brown leather jacket was £4.99 from the Salvation Army, I thrifted it about 3 weeks ago!! It has quite a worn in look and feel, is very light and soft and I like how I can push the sleeves up on it too!
So, if you are after a leather jacket for Autumn, don't forget to thrift first-you will most probably be able to get a stylish cheap bargain if you look hard enough!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!!
Hello Diana-You finally came to me!!! Yes, she was on my mind ever since Wendy departed to carry on her vacation and then back to home and I just knew I couldn't settle until Diana returned to me-only for keeps!!
I'm over the moon-she is absolutely gorgeous, sooo comfortable and will only leave my finger for the day job!! I can't stop staring at her and she is now officially my new 'BFFL'-Best Friend For Life'-Haha!!!!!!!!!! Seriously though, the Diana ring is so stunning and the quality is second to none, it will be a real pleasure to wear this as often as I can.
Diana, you will always have a special place in my heart!!! Click on my title to check out the Diana ring on Wendys gorgeous website-drool over it plus all the other pieces she has to offer, guaranteed you will all have a permanent wishlist which will just have to be satisfied sometime soon!!
Thanks so much Wendy-you've reunited me with Diana and I'm eternally grateful!
Lego Creation Centre
Here at Lego City we watched a show called Johnny Thunder!!
This photo is from google.com-The iphone ran out of battery, but I just had to show you how excellent this part of MiniLand was-London was totally recreated, from Canary Wharf upto Buckingham Palace!!!
We had a fantastic time-Robert brought home some Indiana Jones Lego, which he has built already! Legoland is a really fun place to go for adults and children alike!