
Eastbourne Awaits!!!

Well, we are setting off for Eastbourne today and will back late Thursday, so I may get a post in then!! These piccys are courtesy of East Sussex county council-with the weather forecast the way it is, these may be the sunniest I get the closest to!!

See you later in the week and look forward to catching up with all you lovely ladies!!


Make Do Style said...

Have a fab time in Eastbourne! x

Sydney said...

i think shawn is the #1 gymnast right now!

she's so petite!

look at this picture:


okay, toodles!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

have a jolly ole time and let's hope the weather holds out for you!

Anonymous said...

See and read you later dear ))) have a lot of fun!!!!

Hugs from Angel

WendyB said...

I was last in Eastbourne 25 years ago. LOL! Have fun.

Mónica said...

that peer looks like the Brighton one. Lovely trip, I am looking forward to seeing your own pics, and your shopping...

Madame Dior said...

You're so lucky! You get to travel so much! Enjoy your trip! =]

Anonymous said...

I hope you have fun!

Siljesfashion said...

Looks great!! Hope you have a wonderful time with your family!! and takes lots of pictures! Love silje

♔Jaimie said...


meliindaa. said...

ooh have funn!

Reena Rai said...

Oh no how long are you going to be gone for?! Have an amazing time, and take lots of pictures! Eastbourne looks amazing in those pics, I hope the weather holds out

Times of Glory said...

Dear, have a great great time! I love there! It will be lots of fun! Take many pics of your boys and you!

lots of lots love and kisses

AsianCajuns said...

Hope you're having fun! Make sure to take lots of pics and visit lots of thrift stores. Here's hoping that Eastbourne has an exceptionally awesome Oxfam shop!

Pamela Tan said...

ooh looks great! :) have fun dear sharon! and dont forget sunscreen! :)

jess said...

That looks like a lovely place

Angela said...

have a lovely time, S. the scene from the pic is wonderful. catch up with you soon!

Cadmium said...

Have a good time! Hope the sun comes out for you...

Rice and Beans Vintage said...

Have a fantastic time!

ellie said...

such beautiful pictures. hope you are all having a fun time.

Couture Carrie said...

Enjoy, darling! Can't wait to hear/see all about your trip!


AlicePleasance said...

Looks really like a beautiful place! Have a great time :-)

Lucy said...

looks so much fun - have a great time!

Danz said...

Ooh it looks lovely! Have a wonderful time Sharon :)

AsianCajuns said...

That looks gorgeous! Hope you're getting lots of sunshine this week.

Ida said...

Have fun, dearest Sharon! I hope the weather stays warm and sunny, and you are having a blast.

yiqin; said...

Everybody is out of the country now :( Leaving me all alone to study! Ahhh have fun though :D

Sharon said...

Hi kate-It was fabulous, thanks so much!!

Hi sydney speel-will do, cheers!!

Hi imelda matt-thanks my dear there was force 10 gales but no real rain, haha!!

Hi angel-thanks so much, it was really great!!

Hi wendy-haha, I bet its not changed that much either!!!

Hi atelier-you know you could well be right about the pier-from my own photos and memory, this looks more like Brighton than Eastbourne pier, haha, good spot indeed-that 1st picture was googled too!

Hi madamedior-thanks my dear, I've had a wonderful time!!

Hi b-it was great, thanks so much!!

Hi silje-I had such a lovely time, thanks so much, will do a post soon!!

Hi jaimie-it was great, thanks my dear!!

Hi i think thats hautte-it was fabulous, thanks!!

Hi fashion dreamer-I was only away for 2 nights-enough for a great time in Eastbourne!!

Hi times of glory-yes, it was really nice here, i will do a post soon!!

Hi asian cajuns-haha, it was great, thanks girls-it was actually the cat refuge (charity shop, not the actual cattery, haha) where I sourced my bargains from!!

Hi pam-it was lovely thanks-although I did forget sunscreen, naughty me!

Hi jess-it was wonderful, thanks!!

Hi savvy gal-I had a really great time, thanks!!

Hi karima-yes, it was better than at home apparently!! thanks!

Hi rice and beans vintage clothing-I did, thanks so much!!

Hi ellie-It was fabulous, thanks a lot!!

Hi couture carrie-it was fantastic-thanks so much, i will do a post soon!!

Hi alicepleasance-it was really nice, thanks so much!

Hi elle-thanks my dear, it was great!!

Hi danz-thanks so much, I did have a wonderful time!!

Hi asian cajuns-haha, in between the gales, the weather is doing its best not too rain!!

Hi ida-thanks so much my dearest, it was a really lovely break indeed!!

Sharon said...

Hi Yiqin-haha, i'm back now, and i had a fabulous time, thanks!!


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