
Back from Eastbourne!!

Hi everybody!! We are back earlier than scheduled, but we've all had such a fantastic, relaxing time and just avoided the rain, although force ten gales seemed to be order of the day here and most of the UK too, judging by weather reports!!!

Although overcast for most of the time, it was still warm and we managed to do everything we wanted to. We went to Eastbournes version of a theme park and played an 18 hole game of mini golf-which I won, haha-Robert so thought he had it in the bag!!

We also had numerous walks on the beach, which although severely blustery, was great, as it was so invigorating and refreshing!! Sitting down was a totally different experience, as every 5 minutes guaranteed a sandstorm in your face, but I tried to ignore this by collecting seashells. The boys did a tremendous job of burying themselves and each other in the sand, as well as making the obligatory sand moats and treking to and forth collecting their water!! I did go for a paddle too-ooh, so cold but lovely!!

This is actually Eastbourne pier-thanks to Atelier, who kindly pointed out my previous posts picture was actually Brighton Pier, not Eastbourne! I googled this before I went, so I won't rely on their services again in a hurry-haha!!

Groovy baby!! Please note, I am not making any type of statement here-I'm following my own advice of "If in doubt, buy it". I saw these Levis faded wide legged jeans with rivets, in the cats refuge charity shoop for only £3!! I was soo fascinated by them, I just had to have them! I think what it is, I had a red body con dress in the 80s with rivets all over it, so when I saw these jeans it was like a blast from the past-haha!! I like the fact there is so much debate about 'how to wear jeans' as in the Katie Holmes saga, so really taking the lovely Wendy B's advice of wear what you want, seemed quite apt!! I tried these on to show you all and would love any of you to guess what era they come from-I haven't a clue if they are late 70s, 80s or 90s!!!

Our hotel, directly in front!!

As well as sourcing my'groovy baby jeans' I also got some more modern French Connection beige casual trousers which are slightly widelegged, but also have a long piece of material thing which when you roll the leg up you can button up your roll up, so they don't fall down!! I also got a black wool jersey polo neck sweater dress with lovely puff sleeves which is by Warehouse and I got my tartan top!! A lovely navy and red plaid short sleeve Topshop shirt for £3!!

We of course had fish and chips at the world famous Harry Ramsdens, with mushy peas of course-yum!! We also had lunch at a lovely Italian restaurant, where I had the most gorgeous risotto of spinach, smoked salmon and prawns in a cream sauce, with too many slices of garlic bread, haha!! We also went on the pier in the evening, where the boys enjoyed the machines which love devouring all your money and you don't get any back, haha!! As we are back earlier than scheduled, there is no way I'm cooking tonight-Chris is ordering a lovely Indian meal as we speak!! Enjoy your week everyone and a big thank you for all your lovely comments too!


Unknown said...

How gooooorgeous!!

Here in America we see scenes like this of the English coastline in movies and TV shows (most recently on the film "The Other Boleyn Girl"), and I've always wished I could visit such a beautiful seashore. It's so dreamlike!

Sharon said...

Hi Anchibride-thanks so much!! Eastbourne is a typical quaint, pretty seaside resort and I'm so pleased to have spent some quality time here!!


Hi Sharon Rose,

Lovely! So cool that you enjoyed your holiday! The photos are gorgeous. Love the happy faces :-)


Anonymous said...

these pictures are phenomenal and i loved your little anecdotes in between! it looks like you had a wonderfully relaxing time, and i'm very happy you're back! xxx

WendyB said...

You look AWESOME in those jeans. I love them! And the photos are so beautiful. It looks like a great time.

Sharon said...

Hi Acielle-always so lovely, thanks so much, my dear!!

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-thanks for your lovely comment, always so kind!!

Hi Wendy-what a lovely comment, much appreciated, thanks so much, it was great!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

awww sounds like fun! glad u and the fam had a good time :)

Sharon said...

Hi ren-thanks so much, it was wonderful!!

Make Do Style said...

Great pictures and great post! Loving the pier and your outfits!


Thankfully I was able to access your blog. I have been trying all morning. Thanks for your comment as well. It was just as lovely as you are! <3

Sharon said...

Hi kate, thanks so much!!

Hi fashion chalet-always so lovely, thanks!!

Sydney said...

wow that is such a cool hotel!

these views are really nice!

Anonymous said...

Seems like you had a great time - I'm glad. And your new buys seems nice.

Siljesfashion said...

Looks lovely!! I love your new jeans, no wonder!! I am having a great time, just very exhausting, running from work to fashion shows, but fun!!Hope you are still enjoying your vacation, even though your home!!

Anonymous said...

Lots of nice photos.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

Your pictures are so gorgeous, I wish I was right there along with you!

ellie said...

Just beautiful pics. Love the trousers. Glad you're getting ordering out. Glad you're back. Thank you for sharing all this with us.

jess said...

Eastbourne looks great.And your jeans are lovely

Cadmium said...

LOOOVE those wide-legged trousers! glad you got them, they suit you very well.

Sharon said...

Hi sydney speel-thats lovely of you, thanks!!

Hi b-thanks so much!!

Hi Silje-thanks so much and I'm looking forward to your collection updates too!

Hi lotte-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!!

Hi jen-haha, thanks so much, I did have a great time!!

Hi ellie-always so lovely, thanks a lot!!

Hi jess-Thanks for your lovely comment!!

Hi Karima-thats so nice of you-thanks a lot!!

Angela said...

Hihi S,
welcome back! seens like you and yours had a wonderful time.

Sharon said...

Hi Savvy gal-thanks a lot, we did have a lovely time!!

Pamela Tan said...

these pictures are lovely sharon!! :) love the breezy pants!

and thanks for ur last comment, im still recovering *sigh* .. i actually posted them so i will remember what happened hehe :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a wonderful trip!

Ida said...

Beautiful pictures, Sharon, they convey your perfect mood and easiness of the vacation days. So glad you had fun!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Looks like loads of fun, glad you enjoyed it! Love the wide legged jeans!

AlicePleasance said...

Great place and I love the clody sky in the pictures...there's something sweet and beautiful in visiting a sea place like that in late Summer...

Sharon said...

Hi pam-thanks so much and pleased you are getting better too!

Hi nadine-it was lovely, thanks!!

Hi Ida-thanks so much, it was great!!

Hi nic-it was a great time-thanks for your lovely comment!!

Hi alicepleasance-thanks a lot, yes, it was a real pleasure to visit Eastbourne!

MarĂ­a Pilar Bernal Maya said...

Dear sharon rose,
Eastbourne really looks like Brighton!!
I love your jeans. Enjoy your holidays.

Sharon said...

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-thanks so much! yes, you are right!! They are very similiar, I would say eastbourne is more quaint and has an 'old fashioned' feel to it, in a nice way!!

Me said...

Such an amazing trip! You look like you had a fabulous time. And the food descriptions are making me hungry: risotto of spinach, slices of garlic bread...mmm!

Sharon said...

Hi beka-haha, I'm such a foodie, I love eating and talking about it!! Thanks, I had a lovely time!

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous photos!!
There is nothing better than sea, sky, family & risotto!


Sharon said...

Hi couture carrie-thanks so much, it was really nice in eastbourne!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great trip! Love the photos and the it's always fun playing on the beach, enjoying the simplest pleasures of life. Style is always independent of era or cyclicals, so keep rocking the 70s,80s,90s jeans. Whatever they are.

Sharon said...

Hi p-thanks for your lovely comment, you are so right about style! Thanks for your observations, much appreciated my dear!!

Anonymous said...

Sigh. Looks like a faaaaabulous time was had by all. Thanks for sharing your photos, and welcome back!

Vain and Vapid said...

Those pictures are really really pretty. Looks like you had a lovely time. Love the jeans and the way you styled the whole outfit...

Sharon said...

Hi sal-thanks for your lovely comment, it was great and also glad to be home too!!

Hi vain and vapid-thanks ever so much, so nice of you to leave such a lovely comment!!

MĂ³nica said...

lovely pics, it looks like you had a great time

Sharon said...

Hi atelier-thanks a lot, it was really nice there!!


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