
Hectic Week

Its been quite a hectic week really-I wasn't too well Tuesday, but on Wednesday we bit the bullet and decided to finally tackle redecorating our bedroom. My dear hubby completely redecorated on Wednesday and then did the flooring yesterday, so we were back in for last night-yaay!!
I'm so pleased and its a job we've been putting off but now its done, I love it-the walls are in 'soft truffle' a mix between a soft grey beige lilac-very nice and subtle. With new flooring and bedding it just feels so sumptious and fresh now!!

So today I've spent just pottering around and tidying up, washing, etc. So no major outfits. My mum in law got me a pair of Converse all stars on Tuesday, so I thought I'd try them with my jeans rolled up! Tomorrow, Robert and myself are off to Legoland, so no post until Sunday!!
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!!


emily said...

have fun at legoland! i love your top!

WendyB said...

Legoland! How fun! Take pictures!

Sharon said...

Hi emily-thanks so much!!

Hi wendy-haha, will do!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun and productive couple of days! And my gosh, enjoy Legoland.

Sharon said...

Hi sal-yes, it was tiring sorting the bedroom out, but soo pleased a major jobs done now! thanks and you have a great weekend too!

ellie said...

that takes so much out of you..getting the redecorating and stuff done..especially, flooring. I hope you guys celebrate now.

Have a good weekend. thank you for reading too.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-oh yes indeed, I'm joyous now its done-thanks!!

Siljesfashion said...

Have fun Sharon Rose! Hope you have a great weekend. Thank you for that lovely comment about our anniversary! Love Silje

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much, I'm looking forward to legoland,haha!!


Thank you, so glad you liked it. "Layering" is my favorite word. :) Do I spot converse?

Anonymous said...

Mine's been quite hectic too, well, at least I've been busy most of the time.

Tricia said...

you're adorable in the converse, have a great weekend!


Enjoy your weekend, dear Sharon!

Wendy said...

Love the shirt!

*~The World is My Catwalk~* said...

I love the Converse Chuck Taylors!!!!

Human Racing said...

Legoland sounds like a blast!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Hey Sharon, you look great. Love the cons I have like 3 pair. Have fun at Legoland, it's my son's favourite place in the world.


Cate said...

legoland? the one in denmark or is there one in england too?
anyway, how nice of your mum in law to give you shoes!

Rice and Beans Vintage said...

Oh My gosh...how cute do you look!

Couture Carrie said...

I love Converse!


Shes Dressing Up said...

Love the long blouse!
Decorating is stressful but always great to see the end result!

AsianCajuns said...

I wear my converse all the time - i think I'll have to get a new pair soon.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

have fun at legoland! maybe you can buy a few legos and make some marc jacobs-esque acessories!

Arielle said...

i love the feeling of accomplishment when you finish a big project.
I like the idea of converse with jeans rolld up but I think it would look even better with a different top- maybe a shorter shirt

tessa said...

u had a very productive day...
I don't have any converse or even rubber shoes, I just don't feel good in them...

loving the blog!

Angela said...

congrat on your new room. i am in need to continue on redecorating too but it's so exhausting at times. i didn't even do the but just supervising the workers and at the end of the day, i am wiped out.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-yes 'layering' is the HOT word, haha and yes, they are converses!!

Hi b-thats great!!

Hi fashion herald-so lovely, thanks and you have a great weekend too!!

Hi acielle-have a lovely weekened my dear!!

Hi wendy-thanks a lot!!

Hi the world is my catwalk-thanks so much!!

Hi nay'chelle-it was, thanks so much!!

hi fashion loving stylist-thanks for stopping by, we had a fantastic time!!

hi cate-it was the one in windsor!! yes, thanks to mum in law, haha!!

hi rice and beans vintage clothing-thats so nice thanks a lot!!

hi couture carrie-these are my 1st pair-they're quite comfy too!!

hi nic-so true, I'm pleased its all done, thanks!!

hi asian cajuns-yes, a great addition to the wardrobe! have a great weekend, girls!!

Hi krissy-it was great, thanks!!

Hi arielle-thanks so much-yes, a shorter top most probably would have worked better!!

Hi chuckles-thanks so much for stopping by!!

Hi savvy-yes, I'm soo pleased its finished now and I can enjoy my new room at last!!

steffie said...

converse shoes <3

Sharon said...

Hi getting freaky-thanks a lot for stopping by!!

{Tara} said...

Love to see pics of the newly remodeled room!

Sharon said...

Hi nothing elegant-I'll see what I can do!!


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