
Net-a-Porter-New in for Autumn!!

Had a lottery win lately, girls?-then this is a must have!!

Balmain, £7970
No?? Oh well, drool with me at these lovely pieces available now

Stella McCartney, £385

Sergio Rossi, £535

Emilio Pucci, £530

Roberto Cavalli, £1160

Chloe Joan Bag, £705


Rice and Beans Vintage said...

I especially love the Cavalli piece and the Chloe bag. Ahhh....

Sharon said...

Yes, I love the bag too!!

Neve said...

haha, not for a student xDD

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Oh, what lovely pieces, definitely worth much drooling over.

You have such a good eye.

Love ya much and thanks for stopping by my lover-lee. Have a great weekend as well.


You always have the best picks!!!

Glad this video worked out better for you, the only thing is after I uploaded it with Blogger the lighting got darker?? Oh well, at least it was not sideways this time.. ;)

PS: Gummi bears are the best! ♥

Anonymous said...

loving the stella mccartney dress...would look so wonderful with tons of gold jewelry!

Anonymous said...

Give me a diet, a personal trainer and the first dress :)

Sharon said...

Hi fashionpuppy-haha, the prices are out of my range too, but I like to drool anyway!!

Hi Cheryl Lynn-thanks for a lovely comment and have a great weekend my dear!

Hi fashion chalet-thanks! It won't take long before you're a you tube queen!!

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-oh, I so agree!!

Hi nadine-you would look gorgeous in this dress without the diet and personal trainer!!

Siljesfashion said...

Great picks Sharon! They have so many goodies, its hard to not look, haha. I Always try to find cheaper options or vintage, although i think that some items are worth the investment. Hope you are having a great saturday!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-yes, you're so right, I will draw inspiration from these and you for a velvet blazer and a richly coloured dress for Autumn-have a great day too!

AsianCajuns said...

Note to self - must get lottery tickets. I want that balmain dress!!

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

Sharon said...

Hi asiancajuns- haha, don't forget me when you hit the jackpot!! have a great weekend too, girls!!

Anonymous said...

ah that first dress is AMAZING

Marte said...

oh, love the boots! :)

Angela said...

love the first dress. something about showing off the shoulder is so savvy and sexy.


Oh, I love the Stella McCartney dress! I will dream about it :-)


WendyB said...

That's a great Pucci.

thetinylittlegirl said...

the boots the boots! ahh if only i actually bought lotto tickets and then won ;-)

jess said...

Those are all really nice. I"m really digging the colors on the Pucci one

ellie said...

Wooooo..those are pieces of art..I guess. Thanks for posting these.

Thank you so much for the comment and reading too.

Sharon said...

Hi emma-it is gorgeous!

Hi marte-oh, yes, my faves too!!

Hi savvy-yes, a real classical sexy dress!!

Hi acielle-I love the colour of it too and the cut!!

Hi wendy-the design and colours of it are amazing!!

Hi thetinylittlegirl-I'm with you-I'd get these if I could!!

Hi jess-yes me too-I love it!

Hi ellie-yes they're all lovely-keep up the good work my dear!

Charlotte said...

I've also seen the dark blue boots in Munich! They are looking so great.(And they are much "cheaper" in Germany, "only" 650 €! LOL)

Sharon said...

Hi Charlotte! Haha, that reduction makes a difference-ahh, if only!!

ellie said...

Thanks for the note. Hopefully, you can figure out what is going on...Hopefully, its not too silly.

I would love to see someone in that black dress that cost so much. I'm afraid I wouldn't know how to wear it. Its really cool, though.

AlicePleasance said...

Love the Stella McCartney dress!

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-your storywriting is very good!! I would think we'll see this black dress on someone famous soon, I'm sure!

Hi alicepleasance-yes me too!!

Melmo Momoko said...

so beautiful! i'm loving the chloe joan bag .

Sharon said...

Hi melmo-thanks for stopping by-yes, I love it too!

Make Do Style said...

I sooo need to do lottery - only way I'll be ordering off NAP after my student days start again!

Sharon said...

Hi Kate-yes, me too and I'm not a student-haha!!

Merily said...

Wow, That SM shirt looks divine!

Fashion Is Poison said...

the balmian dress is amazing

Secretista said...

OMG. That first dress. SEXY!!

Arielle said...

as fun as that first dress is I'm not sure I could squeeze my hips into that. Love the second dress though!

Sydney said...

the metallique boots are gorgeous!

and emilio pucci is one of my favourites.

Mikkle said...

gosh so in love with the first 2 dresses! if only money grew on trees...

Sharon said...

Hi Mimi-thanks my dear!!

Hi fashion is poison-yes, it is totally gorgeous!!

Hi secretista-yes, if money was no object, LOL!!

Hi arielle-yes, the Stella is gorgeous and more wearable!!

Hi sydney speel-yes, I'd happily have both of these!!

Hi mikkle-yes, if only, haha!!

Human Racing said...

That Stella dress is to die for. Ahh, it's amazing!

Sharon said...

Hi nay'chelle-I agree, its totally gorgeous!!

Times of Glory said...

Hi Sharon, these are great picks! Balmain is seriously seductive and that Sergio Rossi boots are gorgeous! I love the colour a LOT! And the Roberto Cavalli dress is bit bohemian, easy-going yet sexy! Oh my, I'm speechless xxxxxxx

Guirec Munier said...

The Balmain dress is amazin' !

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

I can see myself in those Sergio Rossi boots. Can't see myself forking out for them though - haha!

Sharon said...

Hi times of glory-I'm so loving these-I could easily wear the boots and the RC dress!!

Hi honeymoon-Yes, I so agree!!

Hi miss victory-yes, my sentiments too, I'm afraid!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, the 1st dress is absolutely gorgeous )))

Hugs from Angel

Sharon said...

Hi angel-yes utterly divine!!

Reena Rai said...

My oh my, I gasped out loud in my head at the first dress, trying to figure out what I need more, a holiday or another dress!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-oh thats a toughie, but I'd plump for a £7k holiday over a £7k dress, haha!!

Always In Style said...

Jeepers! I'm not a Cavalli fan normally but that dress is so yummy!

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

The stella dress is a must have, you can wear that with anything!

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-yes, it is soo lovely and bang on trend for autumn!!

Hi jen-oh yes, I adore it, such a lovely cut and colour!!


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