
Monochrome Magic to a Rainbow Ending

A selection of scrumptious dresses from Net-A-Porter, which is your favourite?

Simple, £235 -My personal favourite

Alexander McQueen, £2613

Miu Miu, £650

Preen, £685

Herve Leger, £2035


Angela said...

i adore the herve leger but this dress really make breathing impossible when a SA tries to fit me into an XS.

www.janetteria.com said...

I want the Preen's dress - I know that is black piece and spring in the air, but that is gorgeous! :)

Have a great weekend darling!


Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

I love love love Simple. I can imagine wearing it. It may have been made for me.

tanya said...

that mcqueen dress gets me every time. Lovely!

Winnie said...

Ooooh the McQueen dress definitely!!

WendyB said...

I'll take a McQueen, please!

suwung said...

veri nice

ellie said...

They are all gorgeous...but I love the black and white stripe the most.

Thanks for your note. I'm glad I could give you a chuckle today. Hope you are having a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

ah the mcqueen dress is to dye for!

LaMimi said...

I adore all of them! but the last Herve Leger is by far the most eye catching! I doubt I'd ever spend $ 4000 on it though, even if I had the money...


Unknown said...

Oh gosh! Preen! It's just begging for chunky jewelery, big big big bangles. xoxo

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

love the second dress!


Northern Living Allowance said...

Definitely the first one - Simple! Just like it says :) Lovely...

Jen said...

I love that stripey dress - its beautiful!!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Miu Miu for me.

paanie said...

the preen dress in pink!

budget chic said...

Now I really like that striped dress with the side ruffles. I'm looking for a 70s disco inspired dress with a ruffle neckline, if you come across anything like that on any of the UK shopping site, Sharon please post!

Anika said...

Ooooh, the Preen and the Leger are stunnning! And I won't be buying either in the near future (gasp at the prices :O)

Still, gorgeous clothes to oogle ;)

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the great comments, its great to swoon over these, LOL!! Budget Chic, I'll let you know if I spot anything like this!!

yiqin; said...

I want the herve leger one so bad! But too bad the price is out of my reach.

Saver Queen said...

I probably lov the Herve Ledger the best. But I would worry that wearing those strips would not do so well around my hips. My second in place is the Miu Miu!

shopinchic said...

Agreed, I'm also loving the Simple dress! I also like the Herve Ledger and Miu Miu dress.

Sharon said...

Hi Ladies-I think we're all agreed, they are fabulous dresses to drool over, LOL!

{Tara} said...

It's hard to pick my favorite, but the top one is probably the winner...I'm really loving bustier-style dresses and tops right now!

Sharon said...

Hi Tara-me too, its such a great look!


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