
Vintage find at the boot sale

The great thing about boot sales is to expect the unexpected. I didn't go on Sunday because of the weather, so come Bank Holiday Monday, I was itching to go, despite the constant threat of rain. I got a lovely 80s georgette (like chiffon) cream blouse (£1), a Miss Selfridge floral cami/tunic (50p), a grey Oasis tunic (50p), a vest top (50p) and a skirt (50p).

But my favourite find of the day is this vintage 50s or 60s guipure lace dress by Laura Phillips for only £2.50. The dress is quite heavy and I'm so pleased its devoid of any marks and also fits like a glove!! I haven't sourced some real vintage (pre 70s) from the boot sale for ages, so was very pleased with this find.

I'll definitely wear it in Summer, I'm just sending it to the cleaners so it will be ready to wear in the finer weather to come!


WendyB said...

Very pretty. It's nice to get something that's pristine. I was just looking at a Radley dress of mine that's in the WORST shape!

Liz said...

Great find!
Nice blog.

www.janetteria.com said...

Beautiful dress Sharon! Good work as always! ;)

xoxo: Janet

Jules said...

That dress is just perfect for summer.;D

Make Do Style said...

Fab find and I can't believe I missed a car boot on my doorstep!!

Secretista said...

In such great shape and I love it!

Shtinkykat said...

What a gorgeous lace dress! I have a white, eyelet lace dress that I pair with apple-red heels that I wear in the summer. I bet you'll look smashing, baby! (Since when did I start talking like Austin Powers?)

the healthy ghost said...

How lucky¡ Love it¡Did you have a good Easter?.Mine was ok,not travelling this year,just going out.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sharon, it's stunning! Can't wait to see what you pair it with ...

Anika said...

Arrrgh, can I just iterate HOW jealous I am of your boot sales? I would be like a child in a candy store at one. Yes, yes, Perth has still got a while to go...boo.

Love the dress too, its absolutely perfect.

I'd love to see the fit on you too :)

{Tara} said...

Wow! What a treasure -- and it looks like it is in perfect condition!

Winnie said...

Wow, that dress is so gorgeous and even better that it's perfect. I hate it when you spot something you really like but only to find a stain on it somewhere.

Angela said...

what a cute dress. i have one by ella moss which is very similar. can't wait to wear it in the summer.

Smashingbird said...

very sweet, will be fab for summer! (if we get one ; p)

LaMimi said...

Super cute dress Sharon! Can't wait to see you in it:)



Very pretty indeed!

La C.

ellie said...

that is so gorgeous!

Marian said...

That is such a darling piece of vintage my sweet. It is perfect for Summer and its amazing that it is in such great shape. Bet you will look smoking in it!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your lovely comments, you are all so very kind!!

Couture Carrie said...

How gorgeous! Nice find, S!


noone said...

wow cute tank! great find :)

Tricia said...

incredible, what a lovely dress!

Gracie said...

oh that dress is beautiful!!!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

that lace dress is killer...perfect with some brown flat boots!

Unknown said...

Soooo pretty! For some reason guipure lace seems so '60s London to me. Probably because we Sri Lankans used to be in awe of the guipure lace found there, those days. I remember my mother bringing a length with her when she emigrated to America, during a short stopover in England. We all just love this fabric.

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks everyone for your lovely comments and Anchibride, I'm pretty sure its early 60s, or even late 50s, but I'm so pleased with it too, I've wanted a vintage lace dress for ages!!

Anonymous said...

another great post


Sharon said...

Hi v-thanks for stopping by!!

Jennie said...

Gorgeous dress & what an amazing bargain!
You'll look ab fab this summer wearing this :)

Sharon said...

Hi calamity jem-thanks my dear!

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

what a pretty top!


Sharon said...

Hi adela, thanks for stopping by!

Emma x said...

That is stunning and would look fab with wedges in the summer.

Sharon said...

Hi Em-I'll try that, thanks for the tip!!

budget chic said...

Wow, how gorgeous is that! The delicate lace and flower detailing is amazing. Super nice piece!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-yes, I'm really pleased with it-thanks a lot!

Saver Queen said...

That is absolutely beautiful!! And what prices! I'm very impressed with your finds!

Sharon said...

Hi Saver Queen-thanks my dear!!


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