
Nicely Nude!!

If the nude trend has caught your eye this season, get some inspiration from these lovely offerings, available at Mywardrobe.com

Saloni, £553

See By Chloe, £77

Thomas Burberry, £146

Elizabeth & James, £280


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

that first is amazing!

Anonymous said...

I just can't pull this range of colors off ... but these pieces are gorgeous, no less!


Nude dresses are my absolute favorite. Especially if they are bodycon!

La C.

MissAmy said...

I am loving the last two. I'm thrifting tonight so I'll be keeping an eye out for nudes!

Angela said...

just perfect with color or metallic heels... have a great weekend.

Emma x said...

I do love nudes but have to be careful with them as i'm quite pale. I love the Burberry tunic dress x

Winnie said...

Oh I like the first one!

www.janetteria.com said...

I love nude. The first dress and that chloe purse are really lovely!


Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I love the nude look - soo sexy

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

I don't know if I'd be brave enough for the first one, and that's saying something! The third one down is gorgeous though. And just looking at the Elizabeth & James offering, I am going to have to check that label out. I haven't seen any of the clothes and I'm really curious. If that's a good examle though, then I've a feeling I'll like them.

LaMimi said...

Summer is the only time I can get away with wearing nude:) thus, I'm in need of a few pieces for this summer:)
Have a fantastic weekend, my dear:)

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for your fabulous comments, I agree it's certainly a great colour trend to get into this season!!

ellie said...

So thats what the 'nude' is about. I wasn't sure. I'm glad you gave me some examples. Really some unique pieces. Thanks so much for the comment. I do so appreciate it. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Shtinkykat said...

I generally prefer color but I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Elizabeth & James dress!

Couture Carrie said...

Love this trend, S! Beautiful selections! That first strapless dress has been on my Lust List for ages!


yiqin; said...

OMg the see by chloe dress is amazing!

Seeker said...

I'm not a huge fan of nude, but you've a gorgeous selection here, my darling.

Hope you're having a fab wkend.


Make Do Style said...

Don't tempt me!!
Sorry have been sooooo busy it is untrue - lovely to get a chance to catch up on your blog

444 said...

Did you think you might get the perverts coming around because of your post title? I wonder if you had a counter showing how many men who previously haven't visited clicked on this one... :oD

I know my blog doesn't contain any high fashion (I've got a nice collection of medium-lowbrow fashion in my closet that's nice in its own way, and I hardly have anywhere to wear it) but I snagged a few more things today for the boys and I'm about to post those photos, so come see if you just want to witness another bargain haul!

shopinchic said...

My favorite are the See by Chloe bag and the dress by Elizabeth and
James. Fab choices~

Anonymous said...

i love nude dresses

paanie said...

oh! that first dress is lovely. i'd love to have that in my closet right about now.

Monique said...

I've tried on the Elizabeth and James dress before, it's very unique in the way you have to attach the pieces but the end result is so flattering.

budget chic said...

I'm seeing alot of stuff here I like, I wish I could rock those short dresses but my knees are all banged up!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comments!!

Alison said...

love all of that!


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