
So Warm, So Shearling

Shearling jackets are a winter season trend that thanks to their warmth and cosyness are a cold weather favourite.

Keira Knightley in her Burberry shearling coat

This jacket by Dacute is available at Net-A-Porter for £433-50% off , check it out here!!

I purchased my shearling jacket at the Salvation Army charity shop about three winters ago for only £7. Its so warm and cosy and with shearling back in trend, I've been wearing it a lot lately!!

Whats your favourite winter coat of the moment?


Rebecca said...

A red, three-quarter length wool...bright, warm and classy.

WendyB said...

I've worn my shearling coat for 10 years and it's the warmest thing I own!

Style At Every Age said...

I think maybe I will invest in one of these next winter! Still loving my black puffa coat, best £85 I have ever spent!

Eri said...

I love them specailly in Toscana shearling!

www.janetteria.com said...

Amazing pieces!

ellie said...

Looks so warm. I can't decide what I really need these days..a parka for sure. But I usually, just wear layers.

lunarossa said...

Can't believe I've just given mine away to charity! I thought it was out of fashion and anyway it was getting a bit old! I have a Zara puffa coat that I purchased at the 2078 sales reduced from £79.99 to 29.99 and I adore it! Ciao. A.

Anonymous said...

Shearling is amazingly warm! How fab to have landed a coat for so little ...

marian said...

fab coats,currently wearing copius amounts of faux fur coats lately

Make Do Style said...

Oh I want one! I think your find is the best xx

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I used to have this shearling coat that I loved. I gave it up when I moved to Australia. Yours looks so warm.

Seeker said...

What a great find, dear!!! I bet you look very stylish yet cozy in it.


jess said...

They look so warm.

Unknown said...

so warm. love the style :D

how are you, sharon?

Travel and Living

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the kind and lovely comments, so much appreciated!!

Clara Campelo said...

I'm living in Brazil, and we are in the summer, so winter coats are impossible uhuhu
but i love leopard winter coats even though this be your very beautiful too.

ellie said...

Thanks for the note. I just found a parka on clearence and was very happy to find it. An all weather coat..for the cold, the rain, the ice and the snow.

www.janetteria.com said...

Please don't forget to enter the newer giveaway♥


Winnie said...

Looks so warm and cosy! Well my favourite coat has always been my Vivienne Westwood coat which I love to bits!!

Mom Fashion World said...

i've a shearling jacket but haven't worn it
for more than a year now. i guess, it needs to be taken out from my closet soon!

Etrapar said...

that jacket by Dacute is fab but too expensive wit all that 50% off..*.*

Noémie K said...

nice coat*°*°*°
Would love have one (frozen in Paris)

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for your lovely comments!!

Unknown said...

My favorite this year is a vintage black faux fur coat, it is double breasted with black and gold buttons three quarter length and I put a belt around it for added style. I love it!!!

SabinePsynopsis said...

I've been wearing my old shearling coat lately (found in my mum's cellar, best haunt ever and so cheap!), but for the first time. Normally English winters are too warm for furry coats. Sabine x

Wildernesschic said...

Love my Shearling husband bought me one from Karen Millen Seven years ago I have worn it every year and its still going strong, also Sharon you would be proud of me bought a red Joseph one from ebay for £50.. I LOVE IT

Haute World said...

One day I'm going to invest in one of these, but I fear I won't get that much wear out if it. I was eyeing the Rick Owens ones from last season. Love the one you purchased! Looks so warm and cosy!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for the lovely comments, to WildernessChic, I AM impressed!!


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