
Winter with a touch of pink

Last weekend was dry and rather brisk and chilly, but I wanted to steer clear of black. I decided to wear my boy style Zara sweater, with its pops of pink and my Sass & Bide skinny jeans.

I'm also wearing my plum suede ankle booties to go with the plum in my jumper.

Are you beginning to put touches of Spring into your outfit choices?


Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

Such a cute outfit! Love the sweater!

WendyB said...

Supercute sweater!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Loving the sweater. And I'm into bright green right now...I suppose that's a bit Springy. : )

SabinePsynopsis said...

Great outfit - smart and comfortable. I was just wondering if I could play tennis in shorts, but it's nearly freezing, so spring touches might have to wait a bit longer...

Rebecca said...

No spring in MY wardrobe just yet :)

Unusual and attractive boots! I like them.

Style At Every Age said...

No spring in mine either I'm afraid but you look great as always.

ellie said...

such a pretty sweater. love the boots too.

www.janetteria.com said...

Love Ur boots, Sharon!

P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the newer giveaway!♥

Good luck!

Wildernesschic said...

As always a winner xxx

TheOnlineStylist said...

Ah Spring... I can't wait! I keep trying but just seem to end up enveloping myself in layers of black and grey woolies lately. That's a fab outfit - you look great Lady! x

Belle de Ville said...

The plum booties are perfect!

Haute World said...

I have a similar sweater from GAP I got years ago with the argyle inspired print in pink and green (with a grey background as well). Definitely the perfect way to add a bit of color to the winter wardrobe... great outfit! Hope you're having a lovely weekend so far :)

Winnie said...

You look great Sharon!

I'm starting to wear flats again rather than my converse/boots which means for me, Spring is creeping back again!

Nina said...

What a great way to remind everyone about spring ... spring colors in your outfit!

PS Come join the giveaway I'm hosting?!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for all your lovely comments!!

NoViTaRisTiaNa said...

love the sweater,,,


Siljesfashion said...

Very cute! Have a great sunday!

Reena Rai said...

I'm trying to bring in touches of spring but it's still far too cold for lace and sheer fabrics! Love that jumper, it looks so cosy

marian said...

i love that sweater and the plum boots,they are super! very chic. Love!

ellie said...

Oh..I'd like to be in my black high top converses..but not yet. Maybe looking for a spring hoodie would be nice. Something with color. I so love my gray gap sweater that used to be my grandmother's, but its getting a little to much to remind me of winter, no.

Angela said...

Very preppy and chic. I will take pink any day. : ) xo

Rohini said...

Loving the booties! :)

Anonymous said...

argyle is just so classic! and you did a great job with layering, xx

ellie said...

Thanks for the note! It snowed again. Looks like Feb. isn't going to be too much of a thaw. I can only hope!

Meg said...

Cute sweater. I think I always have spring in my outfits because I'm not a big fan of winter!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the lovely comments!!

Make Do Style said...

I wish I was getting some spring action but honestly it is still too cold. Plum is a good colour choice xx

Eri said...

Nice, I like this look a lot the cardigan is gorgeous.

See you soon.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks for your lovely comments!!

budget chic said...

Nice outfit, I like the sweater. Casual but cute! Wish I could see the booties better. :-(

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-thanks, you can click the photo to enlarge too!


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