
Sunday Sales Shopping

Well, after months of waiting and tracking one down in my size, I finally won this Kate Moss for Topshop Liberty print jacket on Ebay this Sunday.

I've been eyeing it for ages and knew I'd only be able to get it via Ebay, so can't wait for it to come so I can pair it with skinny jeans and body con dresses too.

At the boot sale I scored a vintage 80s Claude Montana red fitted, structured jacket for only £2.50, pictures to follow once the jacket has been dry cleaned.

I've so many jackets already, but I haven't a red one or a floral one-so its ok, right??

What do you have a lot of, but still continue to invest in for your wardrobe?


Belle de Ville said...

Did you just write Claud Montana for 2.50 pounds. Isn't a find like that against the law?

WendyB said...

Nice! I like your persistence with the Kate Moss piece. I have a lot of jackets too but still feel entitled to get extraordinary ones or ones unlike anything I already have!

That's Not My Age said...

I have loads of pairs of jeans - and I still want more. I'm about to write a post about it. Nice jacket!

Leah said...

That's a fabulous jacket... glad you were able to buy it.

I have a lot of oversized black tops in my closet yet I still buy them. Funny thing is they look all the same. Hahaha!

Make Do Style said...

Dresses - one can never have too many dresses! Good hunting xxx

Rebecca said...

Can't wait to see yours and how you wear it! Congratulations.

lunarossa said...

Jeans, jeans and more jeans. I love them, in every colour and shapes. Ciao. A.

Pearl Westwood said...

Wow I need to come to your boot sales!
I am totally the same with jackets, always the jackets!

Couture said...

The Kate Moss jacket is gorgeous!

www.janetteria.com said...

Such a gorgeous janket, dearest Sharon! :)

SabinePsynopsis said...

Oh wow, I didn't even know this garment existed. Congratulations for getting it. I think it mus be jackets, too. They make an outfit.

Wildernesschic said...

Love that jacket .. Kate looks like Debbie Harry in that photo.. Thank you for you kind comments too xx

teawithonesugarplease said...

Its the thrill of the chase on Ebay - refreshing that page etc. My goodness you can really dig deep to find Montana jacket - well done


Hey dear!

That's a cool thrift! Would love to see it on you :-)


Lucia Del Pasqua said...

I have a lot of dresses and shoes, but when I see a heel I can't resist!

Audrey Allure said...

That is such a gorgeous jacket, can't wait to see a picture of yours!

I buy a lot of long-sleeved cardigans, perfect for a chilly night!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the lovely comments, so much appreciated!!

ellie said...

wow, thats great about the jacket. I don't have that many jackets. Just sweaters for me. T's and I've gotten some new leggins to go with what I have. At the moment, I'm just in my pjs. We are having some electrical issues. So laundry is building up. Hopefully, all will be well tomorrow.

Haute World said...

Good for you getting the Topshop jacket on eBay (because to be honest, I find a lot of their stuff a little overpriced). Can't wait to see this on you as well as your other jacket!

I tend to collect scarves, shoes (any type) and more recently it's been cardigans. I think it's genetically programmed in women to collect things ;-)

marian said...

congrats on winning the jacket that you had your eye on!
cant wait to see it on you.

also excited to see the Montana jacket

big kiss xx

Bonnie said...

Love that jacket, can't wait to see you in it. By the way, I adore polka dots and love that cute flippy skirt that you found. Also that Timex wat was the perfect find. Great addition to your collection.

Have a good one! Bonnie

TheStreetFashion5xpro said...

fabulous jacket

Fiore71 said...

dresses for summer and cardigans to layer through all seasons. Women can never have enough cute cardigans :-)

Style At Every Age said...

SHOES! Did you pay a lot for the KM jacket? It usually goes for a lot on ebay.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your winning! That is one fab jacket! I would never ever have the patience to watch an item on ebay, kudos to you!

TheOnlineStylist said...

Wow... what a win! Can't wait to see pics! x

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

You're so clever! Look forward to the pictures. The Claude Montana sounds great! About five years ago I 'won' a CM black silk blouse on Ebay for £6. I must do a post and show you some of my bargains... I have to say yours are better though! xx

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks everyone for the fab comments, so lovely of you all!!

Anika said...

I'm of the school of thought that blazers/jackets maketh the outfit, so great ones should never be a regret! And this Kate Moss one? Congratulations, its beautiful.

I want to see your vintage one too....you lucky girl.

Pics please??? :D

Winnie said...

Wow wow, this is amazing, I can't wait to see this hit your blog!!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies-thanks so much!!


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