
Fashion Blog Tag

Hi everyone!! The lovely Christina over at Fashion's Most Wanted tagged me for this Fashion and Style post. Please take a good look over at Christinas blog, she is such a gorgeous lady who leads a very glamorous and exciting lifestyle and fortunately shares this through her fantastic blog, ranging from wonderful wardrobe posts, to great interviews to her fabulous nights out!

Well here goes and please feel free to join in this tag, as most of my friends have already been tagged already!!

What's your favourite fashion accessory?

Has to be a handbag, be it designer vintage or high street-as long its good quality, it has a place in my wardrobe!!

Who's your fashion role models?

I love Carine Roitfeld, Jane Birkin and Kate Moss, all so effortlessly chic and oh so stylish.

What do you always carry with you?

My phones, keys, purse, lippy vaseline and a handbag size umbrella!!

How would you describe your style?

Thrifty Chic-Practically at least one item I wear on a daily basis (not including my work uniform!) is thrifted from the charity shop or boot sale and if I want an item, then these are always my first ports of call to find it, as well as ebay of course!!

What's your favourite? Jeans, sunglasses or heels?

I'm a jeans girl for sure-I love how they go with anything and can be paired to look casual or smart.

What inspired you to blog about fashion?

I found a pristine floral chiffon maxi Ossie Clark dress about 4 years ago in my local charity shop for only £7 and it hung in my wardrobe for a year and half until due to financial reasons I sold it-a fashion decision I live to regret, but after finding the gorgeous Wendy Brandes blog and reading of her love of Ossie Clark and drooling over her fantastic collection of his dresses, I decided to start my own blog and its gone on from there!!

What is your favourite fashion store?

Has to be Ebay for online shopping and charity shops for the high street!!

What is your favourite fabric in clothing?

Wool, I love the warmth and snugness of it!!

Who are your favourite designers?

Jean Paul Gaultier, Chanel, Vivienne Westwood and vintage wise, Ossie Clark and Thierry Mugler.

Who or what inspires your style?

80s-just love the bodycon style and Kate Moss. The lovely Christina who tagged me inspired me recently to find a marabou jacket after seeing her gorgeous fluffy post but unfortunately mine has so far got lost in the post-'quelle horreur' indeed!! I hope it gets to me eventually!!

Would you choose to buy something high quality or make it yourself if you could?

I'll buy high quality, but source it from a boot sale or charity shop or ebay!

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend whatever you get up to!!


FairyFiligree said...

Interesting how people start a blog - so many out there..... thanks for bringing this one to our attention. have a great weekend

www.janetteria.com said...

I love reading Ur Q&A. :)

CameronPoe2409 said...

Lovely post, I hope one day you get another Ossie Clark dress!

Alison Cross said...

Oh - I should have said that Charity shops were my favourite fashion resource. Certianly here on the Island that Taste Forgot, charity shops can yield some quite nice bits!

Ali x

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, thank you for doing that. I can't believe your marabou jacket is currently lost in the post. I hope it turns up! I love reading about your finds, hope you find another Ossie Clark one day xx

ellie said...

Liked your answers. You are an inspiration..I can only try to be.

Wildernesschic said...

Oh God I hope your jacket turns up, I really enjoyed reading your answers .. I love your style anyhow ..I also love Ossie Clark xx

SabinePsynopsis said...

Ossie Clark is a wonderful blog inspiration! I always enjoy reading about your vintage finds!

teawithonesugarplease said...

My mother in law taught Ossie Clarke at school! Her biggest regret was not taking up the course at the Royal Academy of Arts and ended up being a teacher. Otherwise her future would have been very different but then again she wouldn't have had her son and I wouldn't have ended up marrying him! LOL

Vix said...

Loved your answers. xxx

Haute World said...

Loved reading your tag answers! Such a shame you let that Ossie Clark dress go, but I'm guessing that won't happen again ;-)

Young at Heart said...

brilliant answers!! what a tragic loss but am sure Ossie will return to you one day.....

Unknown said...

I love these! Will do it and post! :o)

Hope Adela Pasztor said...

i always love reading these! interesting answers! =)


Bonnie said...

Loved reading this post and learning more about you! I think you have awesome personal style.


Sharon said...

Hi everybody-thanks so much for all your lovely comments, so much appreciated xx

Anonymous said...

This is a good blog. Keep up all the work. I too love blogging and expressing my opinions. Thanks


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