
So Last Century Style

A slightly different look for this outfit post, reminiscent of a mix of 80s and 90s I think, with Madonna, snow wash jeans and Gianni Versace in the mix.

I'm wearing my recently thrifted Madonna Sticky and Sweet Tour tee, which I found in the British Heart Foundation last week for £1.99.

The jeans are modern snow washed denim skinnies by River Island, which were £4.99 at my local Sue Ryder charity shop. The hat is new, from Peacocks in their mens section for £6.99. It is a trapper style, so the ears come down!

My fabulous find of the week at the Boot Sale has to be these 90s Gianni Versace black boots. I was coveting some black ankle boots, flat or heeled for this winter, so was really pleased to bag them on Sunday for £10, rarely worn as the soles and heels still have the original tread on them and the famous Gianni Versace logo on the soles.

The pins on them look virtually identical to the oh so famous ones used in Liz Hurleys Versace black pin dress from 1994.

What items are you coveting for this winter?


www.janetteria.com said...

I love Ur hat!

Make Do Style said...

The boots are brilliant! What a fab find am very envious they look wonderful. Only you!! xx

Vix said...

Those boots are amazing and you look amzing in jeans, such fantastic legs you have! xxx

Ivy Black said...

Brilliant boots! You look fab. x

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Oooh great boots, well done. The jeans were a top find too.

Helga said...

Yeah,you do have great legs!Fab boots,and isn't it amazing how 80's style has come back and settled in so well! I love Madonna,by the way!

CameronPoe2409 said...

You got some fab bargains, I think you need to write a book - The Good Thrifting Guide! PS I have not watched any of the Toy Story films but definitely need too!

Belle de Ville said...

So last century style...that cracks me up. The boots look so comfortable, I love them.

Jan said...

I love the boots Sharon ,would look good on me as I ride around on my buggy ,see latest post lol...love Jan xx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, you are so brilliant at bargains. Those boots are fabulous. I love the oversize safety pins and they've got good shaped toes too. I'm fussy about a toe shape xx

Bonnie said...

You look great, Sharon and I love those jeans. But what I am really "hearting" are those fabulous boots. Awesome find!


PS - Who can forget that Versace number Liz Hurley wore!

misslikey said...

your boots are total find

FairyFiligree said...

those boots are a right real lucky find....

Pearl Westwood said...

These must be one of your best finds yet, they look great x

SabinePsynopsis said...

What a fun look and Gianni Versace boots for a tenner... Congrats!

Mom Fashion World said...

I am coveting for the OTK boots and planning
to buy a pair of them soon.

Dear, you are a rockstarrr...love the outfit!

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks to you all for the lovely comments they are very much appreciated!!

Unknown said...

Fabulous casual style! And those boots just take it to a whole new level! :o)


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