On our outing to London on Sunday, we had a nice browse around Selfridges and I came across the book section within their WH Smith concession. The array of Fashion and Style books was amazing, I could have pitched up on a sofa for the rest of the day, lol!!
The book that grabbed my eye was Kate Moss Style by Angela Buttolph. I had a flick through and liked what I saw, but sadly didn't feel like parting with the full book price of £19.99 for it.
So I was very pleased to win it on ebay last night for only £2.2o-thats more like it and the seller is going to send it by recorded delivery so I can track it-I get virtually all my purchases sent by recorded delivery from ebay now as for the extra pence, you're generally guaranteed delivery of your item this way.

I saw via Amazon there are good reviews for the book, I'm a fan of Kate Moss anyway and her style and although the book is a couple of years old, for less than the price of my monthly Vogue or Elle, it was worth buying!!
What Style book is on your radar-that you have already or intend on purchasing?
Dear Sharon, I find buying books on Ebay or secondhand on Amazon by far the best way.
I don't have this book but have wanted it for ages. I shall keep my eye out for a copy.
I try and have all my Ebay stuff sent recorded, you can do second class recorded now for next to nothing. I can't believe your marabou jacket didn't turn up. How irritating. I had a frenzy on there on Sunday (I put it down to the hangover) I must blog the stuff when it arrives xx
Excellent purchase. I have much too many books on my wish list, I keep adding but never buy any so it just keeps growing! All the ones I want don't seem to be going cheaply on ebay so I just keep holding out for the day when they aren't so popular ;) x
What a brilliant buy, my dear! I love kate Moss and even though others maon about her being on every magazine cover I never get tired of looking at her.
I haven't browsed Amazon for ages, I think I'll go and do that now. xxx
I love my Rachel Zoe book but there is another one due out in a few months, I will post on it soon!
Great price, Sharon. I just received the Isabella Blow biography. Can't wait to start reading it!
Ooooh! I never knew there was such a book. I'd love a peek inside miss moss's wardrobe. Serious clothing envy ;)
Hi there, great purchase. Also planning to buy it, but I won't buy it for the retail price, too ;)
Is it good and inspiring?
Kind regards
i love kate moss!
What a great Blog! Love it! Check me out @ www.jobellavintage.com
I think that might be the book in which I am quoted. Yikes!
I know who she is but I do not think I have paid much attention to her fashion. I bet that will be an interesting book ~Enjoy reading it! I just purchased a book of Ebay from Japan it is filled with sewing patterns...I wonder how long it will take to receive it? ~Love Heather
That's great, I still want this book as well! But I have quite the wishlist at the moment.. I should check ebay :)
I can't wait to hear your opinion on it.
I usually, like to get a new crochet book this time of year..but I finally found a wonderful slouchy hat I purchased online. Its so cool, but I'm afraid to wear it anywhere on account I might lose it. So I've made quite a few in the last 2 weeks. I just made up the pattern. I really like my cherry red slouchy hat.
Hi everyone-thanks for all your lovely comments, to let you know the book is a fabulous read, well worth it if you adore Kate Moss and her style and I certainly would recommend it too! xx
Ive got this book, it is really interesting as it goes into real depth about things in Kate's life which have influenced her style. I got mine off either amazon or ebay, I never pay full price for books anymore x
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