
Thrift Inspiration, Kate Moss Style

More thrift finds this week and as a big fan of Kate Moss, I was pleased to pick up this Photo book by Kate Moss and Liz Tilberis, which has totally amazing stunning photos of Kate back in the 90s.

I picked this up in my local Sue Ryder charity shop for only £2.95 and was pleasantly surprised to see them selling on Amazon of between £30 to £100, depending on condition!!

Well I'll be keeping my copy and this is my 3rd Kate book now:

When this picture first appeared in 2006, I just loved this total look-the shorts suit is just gorgeous and the hat really perfects the whole outfit:

So when I saw this Kelly Brook for New Look sun hat in the PDSA charity shop this week I had to get it-its not a trilby but I am in need of a sun hat this season and for £2, its very much Kate inspired with the polka dot banding:

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend and heres to more of the lovely sunshine that we've been having in the UK and for all of you wherever you are, I hope the weather is lovely for you too!!


WendyB said...

That's a fabulous hat! I urgently need to get a new sun hat.

Ofelia said...

Love the white hat on you! Kate is a great style icon and she is usually looks amazing on fashion shots.

Vix said...

That hat is beautiful on you, you look so pretty in it. xxx

Please may I? said...

Fabulous hat. Suits you perfectly.

X x

Veshoevius said...

hang onto the book - it is out of print now and probably will be a collectors item which is why the prices on amazon are so high!

vint junky said...

You too hon! What fabulous weather we're having. You'll need that gorgeous hat.
Have a great weekend

That's Not My Age said...

The Kate book is such a good find. I like your floppy hat - and the LDN t-shirt below.

Rebecca said...

You look SO Kate-ish in the beautiful hat, Sharon.

Our weather HAS been lovely the last few days. I'm SO thankful.

jess said...

I love your hat.

Smashingbird said...

Great hat my dear, loving the sunshine too. I need to get my pegs out & tanned! x

Haute World said...

That hat is perfect! I need a sun hat too - it's not that easy to find the right one. And congrats on getting the Kate book for such a great deal! Hope you're having a lovely sunny weekend so far :)

Seeker said...

My dear I just LOVE your hat!!!! And you look so great with it!!!
I guess I need one alike.
Please don't hate me but I'm not a big fan of Kate Moss.... :(

Wishing you a lovely weekend

hippyatheart said...

congrats to your 3rd Kate book! would be happy to have at least one but can't find them elsewhere cheaper than the retail price. your hat is awesome and the pic of Kate is so sweet

Kezzie said...

Loving that hat! I have far too many hats of this shape! I don't think I am going to be able to make the vintage fair again- have still got stacks of school work to do before Monday, plus my little sister has an architecture exhibition that I am going to have to miss for that same reason. DO keep telling us when they are though, I can't wait to come down and have a look! Good luck with it!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

Fantastic find! Every time I read your latest post I can't wait to go charity shopping again :)

t said...

Awesome hat!


FairyFiligree said...

I know you like Kate Moss a lot - so I know this really made you happy. That hat looks like a smart accessory to take along on vacation..

Comtesse de ferveur said...

Gorgeous hat, Sharon! You look fab in it! xxx

Perdita Tinsel said...

Love to find a bargain book! And the hat is gorgeous.

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

That is just teh kind of sun hat I've been after, you lucky thing scoring it for such a good price xx

CameronPoe2409 said...

Its amazing how products from only the past two decades suddenly cost so much, so congrats on your fabulous bargain! I've been looking a copy of a film with Christian Slater from the 90's and have been quoted around £80! I dont think I'm going to throw away any books or films just in case. PS fabulous hat and I do like Kate's style. xx

Style At Every Age said...

Big hats are very glam! I only got a Panama last year because SJP had one on in the first film!

SabinePsynopsis said...

Great choice, Sharon! Not only does the hat look lovely on you, I also just read that the floppy hat is much more fashionable now than the trilby :) xoxo

Lee Oliveira said...

you looks so pretty.. love the hat
Lee x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for all your lovely comments, they are so much appreciated! xxx

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

What a fabulous book! I love your new sun hat xx

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Love your hat - I've been wearing a similar one all week. Floppy hats rule!


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