
Whirlwind Weekend at the Fashion Fairs

Hi everyone, I have only just logged on to my laptop after 3 days, it has been a really busy weekend- a good one, just busy!!

I did a Vintage Fashion Fair on Saturday as well as Sunday, Saturdays one was at Wanstead, East London which I didn't blog about as I was a bit nervous it being my first time there. I didn't need to worry, as it was a lovely atmosphere and had a steady flow of customers and it was great to meet new sellers and also see again my lovely blogger friend at Elegancemaison who also had a stall.

I wore one of my thrift finds from last week, a 60s cotton sundress by Berkertex, quite in trend for this Summer too with Nautical style stripes:

My stall on Saturday:

Hubby and I had a really nice day, the weather was so hot so I didn't need a cardigan or jacket!

Sunday we were at Primrose Hill which was another lovely day out but the weather was really quite cold and then it poured down with rain!!

My outfit here is a silver 60s crocheted jerkin which was a find from the Wanstead Fashion Fair and my maxi skirt is a thrift find from last week and has a lovely Ethnic print-I'm not sure if its Egyptian or Indian but its a favourite for Summer:

It was back to the day job yesterday and I hit the boot sales and charity shops yesterday and today too, so feel quite knackered!! I'm behind on my blog reading, so I will definitely be checking in with you all over the next few days!

The sun has been out today-hurray, I hope it stays for a few days at least! Wishing you all a good week whatever you are upto!!


Vix said...

I'm so glad it all went well for you. You look gorgeous in both outfits and your stall looks so inviting.
Those Indian wraparounds are still sold in India today, handblocked and coloured with vegetable dye in the same way as they were forty years ago. xxx

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time! Your outfits are great, my fav is the sun dress! Perfect!

Kezzie said...

Oooh, love the sundress! I could imagine dancing in that! Glad the fairs went well! Wish I'd known about Wanstead- that would have been relatively easy for me to get to!

www.janetteria.com said...

Love that striped dress, darling! :)

Perdita Tinsel said...

I love that stripy dress. Glad to hear the fairs went well and it looks like you had a great time.

Ella said...

you look ever so lovely! glad you are enjoying doing the stalls xx
Ella @ Belle Vintage

Smashingbird said...

I must get to one of these fairs soon! I loooove your sundress, its gorge.xx

hippyatheart said...

really happy to hear that things are going so well for you :) And: I totally love love love love love yor second outfit! The skirt is so perfect and the crochet cardi is a stunner! I'm still huntin for a beautiful one as the Free People one I ordered from Asos wasnt as nice as I hoped :/ And I definitely need some Indian gauze for summer :)

Rachel - Firebird said...

Your sun dress is beautiful - the colours are delightful.

Glad you had success at the fairs, I really need to give it a go one day.

Kerry Curl said...

Your stall looks lovely and I'm glad the fairs seems to have gone well for you. x

Ofelia said...

I.m glad that you had fun and that the events went well. Both outfits are so cool but for me the dress is the icing on the cake!

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Dear Sharon, the sundress is gorgeous on you! Another great find.

Your stall looks fabulous I wish I could have come to see you. What is that black jewelled bra I spotted? That looks like a bit of me! xx

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Gorgeous stripy dress - just needs an ice-cream! Sounds like you're really getting into the swing of having a stall now - and it looks great. Do let us know all your dates in advance x

Style Eyes said...

Glad both the fairs were good. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I didn't make it to the Primrose Hill Fair but hope to go next time. i will definitely pop over and see you if I do

Please may I? said...

Sounds like busy but enjoyable weekend. Hope you made lots of pennies.

Great dress. Very on trend.

Hope you are managing to catch your breath a little now.

X x

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for your kind comments, so lovely of you all! xx

Haute World said...

I love the striped dress and the crochet vest! Glad you had a good time at the vintage fashion fairs. Your hubby is wonderful to be going along with you!

Angela said...

i love dresses that show off a gal's beautiful shoulders.

SabinePsynopsis said...

Oh Sharon, you're really getting into this... Sounds great! And I love this dress on you - it's a summer classic. xo

Make Do Style said...

Love your stripy dress!! Glad all is going well xx

WendyB said...

That striped dress! Fab!

Megan G said...

Gorgeous sundress! Hope the fair went well.

jess said...

I love your dress.

Veshoevius said...

You stall looks wonderful - hope to visit it one day! I love the stripey dress!

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks so much everyone for the lovely comments xx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

The Berketex dress is wonderful. Hope the fairs are going well, your table looks really enticing xx

vint junky said...

Your stall looks great hon. I just love the hubbub of vintage fairs, wonderful atmosphere!
Glad you had a great experience


Pearl Westwood said...

It is lovely to hear how well you are doing with the vintage fairs, I really hope to make it one day x

Strawberry Freckleface said...

Love this dress! And yes, finally...the days when the sun is out seems like a trick day. We need it to STAY, already!

strawberry freckleface


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