
Thrifting for Pleasure and Giving back too

A couple of months ago whilst out on a London drive, we stopped off at West Hampstead as they have a nice little High Street with quite a few charity shops. I was looking for pieces for the Vintage Fashion Fair, but when I come across something I love, it will primarily end up in my wardrobe!

I found this gorgeous black wool crepe, satin applique and embroidered jacket in one of the charity shops. There was no label in it, but from looking I was quite sure from its Art Deco styling it could be by Janice Wainwright. I had found some other Janice Wainwright pieces similar to my jacket on Posh Vintage-her work is just so distinctive and detailed.

I also emailed my lovely blogger friend Ms Peelpants, who has an immense knowledge of all things vintage and has the very covetable and gorgeous online vintage shop, Vintage-A-Peel- do stop by there if you haven't already, she stocks really stunning vintage designer items.

She was 99.9% sure it is by Janice Wainwright and as I don't have any of her pieces, I'm definitely keeping hold of this!!

I have been very fortunate to thrift some truly lovely finds over the last few months and years come to that, so when I heard about the fire at the Oxfam Huddersfield Wastesaver plant last month, I decided to raid my wardrobe over the last few weeks for some quality items that I just did not wear or need anymore and this morning I took the bag to my local Oxfam branch.

I think when you thrift regularly its really quite nice to give back every now and then-not only do the charity benefit but its a great way of decluttering and keeping your wardrobe up to date with items you truly love and wish to keep for that much longer.

Now Summer is here-well for us in the UK, it's here one minute, gone the next-its a great time to have a wardrobe clear out and check those summer items are still wearable-if not, why not do a bag for charity and while you're there you can always have a rummage to replenish supplies!!

Have a great weekend everyone, whatever you get up to!!


hippyatheart said...

wow, this jacket looks definitely posh and I would also say it's definitely a piece made by that designer! Even from your pics it is very clear that this jacket is made verrrry well - you must be a happy woman with such an amazing find :)
really happy to read about your charity shopping and donating back habits - we do something similar here. As we don't have charity shops like you in the UK, me and my husband sell our stuff on ebay to clean out our wardrobe. I love to have a choise, but only with items I really love :)

oh, this was a wordy comment ;)

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

I used to live on West End Lane - it was the first place I lived when I moved to London with the Mr (then boyfriend) and we were utterly skint! Not really a budget area to rent as it turned out, but I did frequent all the charity shops (couldn't afford anywhere else!). Our flat also had the advantage of being opposite the fire station, so I got to ogle the firemen from my window!

Anyway, to return to the matter in hand, that's a great piece - all the more so because it's totally 'you'. Have a fab weekend x

The Quick Red Fox said...

Awesome jacket, so funky! Well done for keeping it for yourself ;) x

Pearl Westwood said...

Ooooh Sharon what a find!!! This is so stunning, the design is beautiful can't wait to see you wearing it. x

Ivy Black said...

What a beauty! It will suit you just fine, can't wait to see you in it.xxx

Anonymous said...

Great idea and I will defintiely be bagging up to take to my local shops.
I love scouring charity shop for quality items just like your little jacket - makes it all worthwhile!
Happy weekend too!

Smashingbird said...

Oooh you lucky thing I'd love a Wainwright piece. xx

Style Eyes said...

I love the idea of clearing out my wardrobe for charity. It is a great way to give and I don't feel so bad about refilling it again with more charity shop finds. That jacket is amazing, I am staying near Hampstead before the next vintage fair so may have to try and find time for a look round the charity shops.

CameronPoe2409 said...

What a beautiful jacket! I will defnitely check to see about donations for my local oxfam. Have a lovely weekend. xx

Ella said...

beautiful jacket! how sad about the fire at the oxfam plant! xx
Ella @ Belle Vintage

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

I'm definitely with you on the importance of decluttering. My latest post is all about the value of keeping it to the essentials and appreciating clothes as more than throwaway commodities. I think it just makes dressing up all the more fun if your heart's in it.

The jacket it fantastic. Those deco details are drool-worthy. Well done on a fantastic find!

Veshoevius said...

What a gorgeous find! I love that art deco embroidery detail. You have a great eye!

Winterfell Mixed Media said...

Oh my ! This is delicious. I would have snapped it up with a vengeance too. Well done girl !

jess said...

That's a really great jacket.

Christina @ Fashion's Most Wanted said...

Oh Sharon, what a fabulous find! You have to keep it.

It's awful about the Oxfam fire. I'm sure I have stuff I can take in too.

The weather's been terrible hasn't it? Mind you my brown dried up grass is green again after all that rain.

Have a lovely weekend xx

vint junky said...

Completely in love with this piece sharon. Truly beautiful! You've a great eye
Hope you have a great weekend hon

Make Do Style said...

Gorgeous jacket and what a find.

I agree I must take some stuff into Oxfam too - thank you for the reminder xx

Penny Dreadful Vintage said...

Absolutely stunning, one of the best finds you have made! xx

FairyFiligree said...

beautiful jacket - never heard of this designer so thanks for passing this on. Great idea re de-cluttering....

Ofelia said...

Amazing Art Deco jacket. I'm impressed with your research work in finding out about the jacket!
I do donate back some of my clothes and my girls clothes as well. But before I donate any clothing item I must check if my girls or my closest friends want them; this is a house rule.

Vix said...

It's absolutely stunning and definitely a keeper. I love the Deco styling. It does look like a high-end piece and you will totally do it justice. xxx

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Fantastic piece.
I buy a lot but also donate a fair amount of it back. It feels good.

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks to you all for stopping by with your fab comments, always much appreciated xxx

JJ said...

Hi Sharon, just wanted to say that I have been reading this for a while. It is fabulous and you have inspired me to start my own blog - so thanks! A rainy Sunday proved too much to go to the carboot today so I got started. Thanks a lot for the idea and don't worry - I am in the North so we won't be fighting over anything anytime soon x

Perdita Tinsel said...

That's my idea of a classic: you could style it any way, but it has personality and unusual detailing as well. Great find!


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