
Current/Elliott and J Brand jeans-less than £5!!!

Well I really was the early bird that caught the worm at the charity shops on Monday morning. Since New Year, I've really got the denim bug and I certainly bagged the best bargains of the year so far.

The 2nd shop I visited was Scope and I picked up these Current/Elliott mushroom skinny jeans-when I saw the price and the size I was amazed! I quickly checked the other rails and was giddy with excitement when I spied these J Brand Earhart jeans!! First stop was the changing rooms and was I pleased when they both fitted like gloves! On to the cash till and out the door and although I visited 3 more shops I didn't find anything else, not that I was worried though!

Now nicely laundered and pressed I thought I would show you my spoils!!

The J Brand Earhart are last season and are still available in the sale on Mywardrobe for £132 and the Current/Elliott The Skinny cord jeans are on sale for £94.99 on Net-A-Porter

On Tuesday I had more thrifting denim luck as I picked up a pair of James jeans for only £3.75 and a Levis denim skirt for only £3.99!!

My denim obsession really now needs to come to a halt for the moment as I need to be thrifty in general-its great to get bargains, but like everything I still need to watch the budget!

Whats been your best buy of the month so far?


Barbara von Enger said...

A vintage Celine bag is my best buy of the month;-)

Ella said...

What an absolute steal! I need to get back into the swing of thrifting now they have all reopened after Christmas and new year! xx
Ella @ Belle Vintage

Rebecca said...

I know what you mean about "watching the budget"! So far, I have no buys to boast about in January. (Where IS the month going? I need to get OUT there!)

Alison Cross said...

I'm absolutely DETERMINED not to buy NEW clothes this year (other than underwear....and a big frock for a wedding later this year).

You're not helping my cause with news of these bargains lol!

Ali x

That's Not My Age said...

Do you think you could find me some quality jeans for under a fiver?

Happy New Year!

Louise Mc said...

Well done you, those are some fabulous purchases. I still maintain that my Monsoon dress which I got in the sale has been my best bargain, but I could do with a bit more denim in my wardrobe myself. Not jeans so much, but maybe a denim skirt and a denim dress. xx

Please may I? said...

Wow what a bargain. You can come shopping with me any day.

X x

Kezzie said...

Wow that it is an impressive bargain!

Style At Every Age said...

Amazing, you must be so chuffed!

Perdita Tinsel said...

I've had no big bargains so far this year...but I am sure I will soon! The year is young!

Well done on that denim haul!

CameronPoe2409 said...

Wow! Now that's was I call a thrifting triumph!xx

Ashley Isaacs said...

ain't nothing better than a great find for that amazing price, send me some of your positive energy my way......xx


Caroline said...

Wow, brilliant bargains, Sharon - well done x

Lakota [Faith Hope and Charity Shopping] said...

Be still my heart! I do love my denim and would have had an attack of something if I'd found those - amazing!

teawithonesugarplease said...

Ah-Mazing finds and the denim are perfect in colour and there was me thinking I was so smug with my £60 bargain Current/Elliot jeans this summer LOL

Style Eyes Ethical Fashion Blog said...

Wow what great finds. I tend to go through phases of finding similar things in charity shops, perhaps it is because I am concentrating on a particular area, I never even look at the jeans section though. My latest buy was an amazing floral print skirt for £3 in the Oxfam sale.

SabinePsynopsis said...

The early bird catches the jeans! Great finds, Sharon - and at these prices a quite affordable obsession. xo

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks so much for the lovely comments, they are really appreciated! xx

Unknown said...

You are sooooooooo lucky!! Current Elliott is my all-time favorite denim brand but all I have from them is a pair of killer flares I got on clearance and a skirt that I adore and got on sale but still cost $$. It was worth it for sure, but if I found a pair at the thrift store I'd be in blue jeans heaven!!

I adore J Brand too. I have several skinny styles from them and they're my favorites. Can't say enough good things about J Brand.

Ivy Black said...

Excellent steal! No big bargains for me yet..but there's time!xxx

Pearl Westwood said...

What finds, I haven't found any bargain forages x


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