
MyStyle of Spring Jacket

With Spring hopefully not on the too distant horizon I wanted to pick a new Spring jacket and have been checking out the charity shops, the high street and online for some inspiring picks. My first choice is a biker jacket-I have plenty of  other different styles already in my wardrobe and I wanted to choose something that was not too lightweight and would be ideal for the temperamental weather we constantly experience. Here are the jackets that inspired my choice, these are from Net-A-Porter:

So after checking alternatives in my price range I plumped for this cream Melton wool mix biker jacket by River Island.  I was in luck as it was the last one on the website and in my size too. It also helped that it was half price from £70 and when it came I noticed that the wool content is actually over 50% , very impressive for £35 and being a mix of black and cream means I can wear it with virtually anything:

It's  a great weight, warm enough to be a Spring or Autumn jacket as I have a lot of jackets already that are more suitable for Summer. It is also really well made so I think this one is a keeper. I'm really loving River Island at the moment and they have a fabulous range of Spring biker jackets online now, some in the sale and some full price- certainly there are enough of a variety of different colours, prints and materials to choose from. I also can't recommend their delivery service highly enough, they email you and text you with an hourly timeslot of when to expect your delivery and so far it's been spot on, very good indeed.

One jacket that is going back is this off white pleather jacket also from River Island-although it fits, it feels rather boxy and starchy and I'm in two minds over it. It doesn't really feel right on despite the £30 price tag and really if I'm looking to wear a Chanel style jacket this Spring then I should start wearing my lime green and yellow Chanel jacket.

The jeans however I will be keeping, a review of which I've done over at Live To Love Denim, my dedicated denim style blog-check it out if you've not visited yet!!

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter, keep warm and cosy and enjoy whatever you are up to!!


Vanessa said...

Wow,amazing jackets.*__*
I like your blog. Maybe follow each other on bloglovin???
Let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets Nessa

Vanessa said...

Thank you sooo much for the follow.^^
Follow you back on bloglovin and gfc,too.
Do you also follow me on gfc???
Lovely greets

Vix said...

I love those Acne jackets, I'd hate to think how much they cost. Your RI one looks a fabulous alternative and I love your jeans. xxx

Anonymous said...

I really love these jackets, your RI is a great choice! xx

Ofelia said...

The Channel jacket looks amazing on you!
You were lucky to find such a similar jacket for just 35.00.
Happy Easter to you and I hope that you enjoy time with your family.

Veshoevius said...

Love the Acne jackets! I do love biker jackets and wear them all the time. That cream and black river island one is a steal!

Style At Every Age said...

Fab jacket and what a great price! I have a black leather biker and a boucle one I got in the January sale at Next x

Claire Justine said...

Great jackets :)Happy Easter

Marcela Gmd said...

Love this jackets!!! thank you so much for your visit!
I follow you with GFC and Bloglovin!
and I added you by g+ too! I'm very happy if you do the same!
Have a nice sunday! my g+ and like in bloglovin for you!!!:)))

Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

Anonymous said...

Great jackets and absolutely you should be wearing the Chanel!! Hope you've had a good easter. xx

Sharon said...

Hi everyone-such lovely comments, thanks a lot for stopping by xx

Unknown said...

Very cool jackets! Love the one you got. Hope you had a wonderful Easter! Ours was very mellow but nice. We went around the neighborhood taking photos of the Spring flowers! :o)


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