

Kimonos are a really colourful and stylish option to a summer jacket-they tend to be so light and floaty that are great for all sizes and give you that extra bit of coverage. They are also a perfect day to night piece which look great with denim and also tailored items such as a tapered cropped pair of trousers. Here is what's currently availbale on the High Street:



This kimono was bought (but still not worn!) when I was on holiday last August:

I really love the vivid orange, bold pink and cobalt blue against the greys and zebra print and the orchids are so pretty too: 

What style of  summer jacket will you be opting for this coming season?


Vix said...

That kimono is gorgeous, what a fab find.
If this summer's anything like last year I'll be wearing my fake furs and 1960s raincoat again! x

Couture Coco said...

That's a real bargain for such a lovely silk print! Wish I could find a closer fitting one for myself.

hippyatheart said...

that's really a great find, sharon, really a great price for something made of silk!

I will wear my denim and leather jackets and of cause my blazers.

citizen rosebud said...

Love the new blog redesign. and that kimono. It's a twofer.

www.janetteria.com said...

Love that 2nd one!

Anonymous said...

hi :) we love to promote you on our blog.! I LOVE GLASSES ! <3 ! :) HAVE FUN ! http://i-loveglasses.blogspot.com <3 we love your blog!

Helen Le Caplain said...

What a fabulous find - and at such a bargainous price - nice work!


Sharon said...

Hi everyone-thanks for stopping by with your comments, so kind of you all!!

J. said...

I want something kimono like as well, actually!
But I have to say your thrift find is so nice, it beats all the other kimonos in this post. Well done! Love it!

Style Eyes said...

Love that kimono jacket, what a find! I love kimono jacket style. I have two which I have upcycled from vintage dressing gowns, actually I am wearing one of them right now.

: Green Chic Life : said...

Love love love! I have been looking for a kimono jacket! Thanks for the ideas on where to get one! I am now following you with GFC and would love if you’d visit me (and follow, if you like) at : the daily savant : I have a giveaway on now!

: signe


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